The key is allicin, a compound described sulphate very smelly smell that taint breath.
This compound reacts with red blood and produce hydrogen sulfide which sever blood lines, and easy to make the blood flow.
Research University of Alabama campus in Birmingham appear in the Paper of the National Academy of Science (Nas).
However, experts warned the UK consume garlic supplements can cause side effects.
![]( Garlic.jpg)
Produce hydrogen sulfide rotten egg odor and is used to produce bomb smell (stink bomb).
However, the rate is low, the compound that plays a vital role in helping cells communicate with each other each other.
And, in the vein, compound that stimulates the cells that form a layer relax and widen the vessel.
And, this in turn reduces blood pressure, allowing blood carry more oxygen to essential organs, and reduce the pressure on the heart.
The research team Alabama plunge on rat blood vessel that mengadung solvent extracts of garlic that diremukkan.
Results pierce
This produces results that light - with the tension in the vessel is reduced as much as 72%.
The researchers also found that red blood cells exposed to very few garlic extract that is sold in toserba immediately produce hydrogen sulfide.
Experiment further shows that the chemical reaction takes place primarily on the surface of red blood cells.
Indication of the research team showed that hydrogen sulphide production in red blood cells may be used to set the standard measure of garlic added to food.
Head researcher Dr David Kraus said: "Our research shows the results of garlic in the food is very good."
"Of course in the area where the consumption of white down, the sea like the Middle East and Far, the level of a disease kardiovaskuler low."
Judy O'Sullivan, expert heart care at the British Heart Foundation (BHF), said: "Research indicates this interesting garlic may be beneficial for heart health."
"However, there still are not yet enough evidence to support the idea to take garlic as a medicine to reduce the risk of heart disease," added O'Sullivan.
"Insert a garlic as part of the variations in food choice is personal," he said.
"Please dicamkan that supplements [garlic] in high level may interact with medications pengencer blood and may increase the risk of bleeding," said Judy O'Sullivan.
Bawang Putih How to Fight Cancer?
In modern society garlic (Allium sativum) can be trusted to prevent heart attack, blood clotting, lower cholesterol level, blood pressure, blood sugar, reduce tukak stomach, toxic bidder, murderer bacteria / fungi / parasites, fastener-free radical, and much more the other. Is the flavor cuisine daily can also cure cancer?
Various studies indicate the ability of garlic to prevent and treat cancer, mainly caused by the chemicals hazardous, such as prostat cancer, stomach, kolorektal (intestine and rectum), breast, liver, skin, and lungs.
Oxygen-active substances in garlic include vitamin A, B, C, calcium, potasium, iron, karoten, and selenium. The most dominant in the fight against cancer is allyl sulfur components, such as diallyl sulfide, diallyl disulfide, diallyl trisulfide, S-allyl cysteine, S-allylmercaptocysteine, allicin, and ajoene. Oxygen-oxygen in the formation and prevent the nitrosamin in the body, also blocked aflatoxin, azoxymethane, benzo (a) pyrene, and others, all of which are substances karsinogen (trigger cancer).
In the next stage of the components may prevent mutation genes, preventing proliferation (growth / division) of cancer cells, improving the structure of damaged DNA, and even to stimulate cancer cell suicide (apoptosis).
On the other side of garlic also act as antioxidants, removing the poison from the body, and kill the bacteria Helicobacter pylori that can trigger a variety of stomach cancer.
How to consume
Certainly, workplace substance-active substance of garlic that depends on many things, such as a land where garlic is grown (oxygen affect the rate-active substance of garlic), the composition of substances in the food consumed at the same time with it, also how to prepare and consume onion white itself. Combination with selenium, a fatty acid (eg acid linoleat), and vitamin A, can increase the ability of garlic to prevent proliferation and increase apoptosis.
But need to realize that the processing of garlic can kill resources of oxygen-oxygen antikanker it. One minute it is processed in the microwave, hilanglah property as antikanker garlic. Similarly, if heated in the process of another concoction. So what? Should garlic swallowed it raw?
In fact just simple. Destroy garlic (digeprak, sliced thin, or diuleg) and then leave for 15 minutes before cooked (used as a cooking ingredient). Within 15 minutes was a chemical reaction to activate the oxygen-oxygen groups of allyl sulfur antikanker above, that is not damaged even if it is cooked. But if cooked immediately after destroyed, the chemical reaction does not occur, automatic antikankernya lost property.
If desired, garlic can also be consumed raw. But still it must be destroyed first and left for 15 minutes. So what if the whole onion akan presented, for example, in the pickle? Peeled and cut quite a few edges. Fair, still has property antikanker albeit not as well as if destroyed.
Potential Danger
Not easy, using the garlic for the prevention and treatment of cancer? The price is cheap and easily available also. But waspadalah, garlic is not to be consumed carelessly. Do not think that more and more consumed garlic the better the results.
The recommended dose for the consumption of garlic is 4-5 grams of fresh garlic / day (about 1-2 cloves). If too many, than not cause the smell in the breath and silky skin, often cause allergies, digestive disturbances (vomiting, diarrhea, irritation, excessive gas production), bronkial asthma, dermatitis, reduce the degree of protein and calcium in the blood, also reducing the production of sperm.
Too much garlic increase the risk of bleeding because of its ability to prevent thrombosis. Therefore the people who want or just undergo surgery, the consumption of garlic should be limited.
Garlic also work to increase enzyme-enzyme in the liver to remove poisons from the body. On the ability of healthy people is very helpful, but be careful, he can also remove the drugs that you swallow and chemotherapy drugs. Your treatment to be futile, is not it? Therefore, if you want to increase the consumption of garlic or use a product suplemennya, konsultasilah first with your doctor.
22 property Bawang Putih
1. Prevent deterioration and brain immune system
2. Helps prevent penuaan process. Prevent the growth of cancer cells.
3. Consume with garlic, is exposed to cancer risk could be reduced.
4. Garlic consumed regularly in a certain period of time can help lower cholesterol level.
5. Anti-cholesterol substance in garlic called ajoene help prevent blood clotting.
6. Garlic can help ease stress, fear, and depression.
7. With a more delicate effect. Garlic contain vitamin A.
8. Garlic contain vitamin B.
9. Garlic contain vitamin C.
10. Garlic contain calcium.
11. Garlic contains potasium
12. Garlic contain antioxidants. Garlic contains selenium and karoten
13. Mengonsumsi 2-3 cloves of garlic a day, will be avoiding the possibility of heart.
14. Cure high blood pressure
15. Tukak relieve stomach
16. Reduce cholesterol in the blood
17. Increase blood insulin for diabetics.
18. Disable free radicals that disrupt the body's immune system
19. Useful as a bidder poison (detoxifier) that protect the body from various diseases.
20. Add help appetite when eaten raw
21. Maintain stamina body
22. Contains property antimikroba, antitrombotik, hipolipidemik, antiarthritis, hipoglikemik, and also has antivitas as antitumor.
However seberapapun khasiatnya a drug, if not dimbangi with healthy patterns of living are all useless
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Category: Study Biology, Iptek
Siwak: miracle in the Sunnah of the Prophet
18 05 2009
By M. Abu Salma Rachdie P., S. Si
The use of Siwak History (Salvadora persica)
The use of instruments of hygiene since the mouth has already started many centuries ago. Human use of tools hygiene diverse as the social development, technology and culture. Diverse simple equipment used to clean their mouth from the remnants of food, from the toothpick, wooden trunks, tree branches, cloth, bird feathers, animal bones and quill. Among the traditional tools that they use to clean the mouth and teeth is siwak or wood chewing stick. Even though this traditional wood, is the first step the transition / transition to the modern toothbrush and cleaning the mouth is the best tool to date.
Miswak (Chewing Stick) have been used by people Babilonia ever since 7000 years ago, which is then used also in the era of the kingdom of the Greek and Roman, by the Jews, the kingdom of Egypt and the Islamic community. Siwak have other names in each community, such as for example in the Middle East called the miswak, or siwak wine, called the miswak in Tanzania, and in Pakistan and India with a miswak or datan. The use of chewing sticks (wood chewing) come from plants that vary in each country. In the Middle East, the main source of the tree is often used arrack (Salvadora persica), in West Africa that is used is invisible tree (Citrus aurantifolia) and citrus (Citrus sinesis). Senna plant roots (Cassiva vinea) is used by United States people of color, African Laburnum (Cassia sieberianba) is used in Sierre Leone and Neem (Azadirachta indica) is used widely in the Indian continent.
Salvadora persica
Salvadora persica
Although siwak previously have been used in a variety of culture and cultures around the world, but the influence of the spread of Islam and its application to clean the teeth the most influential. Siwak on its own terms kenyatannya have been in common use during the prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad that started its mission around 543 M. Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu 'alaihi wa Sallam said: "If not burdensome ummatku akan kuperintahkan they had to bersiwak each akan prayer (in another narration: every akan berwudhu')." He looked health and oral hygiene is important, so that he always recommends to his wife siwak to prepare for it until the end of the hayatnya.
Siwak is used almost continuously throughout the Middle East, Pakistan, Nepal, India, Africa and Malaysia, especially in the hinterland. Most of them use it because of religious factors, cultural and social. Islamic community in the Middle East and surrounding siwak use at least 5 times a day while they also use ordinary toothbrushes. Research conducted by Erwin and Lewis (1989) states that the user siwak have relativitas low dijangkiti damage dental disease and even if they consume food that is rich in carbohydrate.
Plant morphology and Habitat Siwak
Siwak or Miswak, is part of the stem, root or branch plant Salvadora persica is mostly grown in the area of the Middle East, Asia and Africa. Siwak-shaped stem that's taken root and branch plants arrack (Salvadora persica) that berdiameter ranging from 0.1 cm to 5 cm. Wine tree is a tree like a small shrub with a stem-branch of the fork, berdiameter more than 1 foot. If skin color dikelupas rather keputihan and has many juntaian fiber. Root brown color and the inside white. Aromanya such as celery and slightly spicy taste.
Siwak function scrape and clean the inside of the mouth. Siwak word itself comes from the arab language 'yudlik' means is that massage (massage). Siwak more than just a normal toothbrush, because of fiber trunks have elastic that does not damage the teeth and under the pressure even though the hard siwak also has natural antimikrobial uterus and antidecay system (system antipembusuk). Berdiameter stem siwak the small, the flexibility that has the ability to bend to the right in the mouth and can scrape plaque on the teeth. Siwak also safe and healthy for the development of gum.
Per Trunk Wood Chemistry Siwak
Al-Lafi and Ababneh (1995) conducted research on wood siwak and reported that siwak contains natural minerals that can kill and prevent bacteria growth, scrape plaque, perforated teeth and prevent gum maintain. Siwak have chemical contents that are useful, including:
* Antibacterial acids, such as astringents, abrasive and detergent that works to kill bacteria, prevent infection, stop the bleeding on the gum. The use of fresh wood siwak first time, will feel a bit spicy and a little burn, because there is a womb, which is similar mustard antibacterial substance is acid.
* Gynecology Klorida such as chemical, Pottasium, Sodium Bicarbonate, Fluorida, silica, Sulfur, Vitamin C, Trimetilamin, Salvadorin, Tannin and some other mineral that works to clean teeth, and whiten teeth and make healthy gum. Materials are often extracted as a composer of toothpaste.
* Natural aroma oil that has the taste and smell the fresh, which can freshen the mouth and the smell is not tasty.
* Enzyme that prevents the formation of plaque which is the cause of gingivitis and the major cause of premature tooth date.
* Anti Decay Agent (Zat anti-corruption) and Antigermal System, which acts as Penicilin decrease the number of bacteria in the mouth and prevent the occurrence of the process of decomposition. Siwak also stimulate saliva production, which itself is an organic saliva that protects the mouth and clean the mouth.
According to Lewis (1982), research on the chemical plant have been carried out since the 19th century, and found a large number of klorida, fluoride, and trimetilamin resin. Then the results of research Farooqi and Srivastava (1990) found silica, sulfur, and vitamin C. Gynecology chemical is very useful for dental and mouth where trimetilamin and vitamin C helps healing and repair network gum. Klorida useful to remove stains on teeth, while silica can react as a polisher. Then, with the presence of sulfur is known baunya feeling warm and unique, while fluorida useful for dental health as a prevention of a strengthening layer karies with email and larutnya to reduce the acid produced by bacteria.
Siwak as a substance antibakterial
El-Mostehy et al (1998) reported that plants contain substances siwak-antibakterial substances. Darout et al. (2000) Reporting antimikrobial and that the cleaning effect on the miswak was also indicated by variations in the actual chemical that can be detected on ekstraknya. This effect is associated with the high contents Klorida and Sodium Pottasium Klorida as salvadourea and salvadorine, saponin, tannin, vitamin C, silica and resin, the cyanogenic glycoside and benzylsothio-cyanate. It is reported that there is a natural component anionik on this species of plants that contain agents that antimikrobial against some bacteria. Nitrate (NO3-) was reported affect active transport porline in Escherichia coli as well as the aldosa from E. coli and Streptococcus faecalis. Nitrate also affect active transport fosforilasi oxidation and oxygen by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and so obstructed Stapyhylococcus aureus.
According to the results of research Gazi et al. (1987) extract stem rough wood siwak the toothpaste that is made kumur fluid, examined antiplaknya nature and effect of preparing the composition of plaque bacteria and cause a decrease in gram negative rod bacteria.
Composer (2005) in the essay titled "The Wood Extract powder Siwak (Salvadora persica) on growth of Streptococcus mutans bacteria and Staphylococcus aureus With Method To prevent diffusion plates" found that the wood dust extract siwak are antibakterial are against the bacteria S. mutans and S. aureus.
Siwak as "oral cleaner device" (purifier mouth)
Siwak as a very effective means of cleaning the mouth. Almas (2002) examine the influence of comparison between the extracts siwak with Chlorhexidine Gluconate (CHX) is often used as a liquid kumur (mouthwash) and anti-plaque substances on human dentin with SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy). Almas reported that 50% extract siwak and CHX 0.2% has the same effect on human dentin, but extracts more siwak remove stains layer (smear layer) on the dentin.
A research on Periodontal Treatment (regular dental care) by taking a sample of 480 adults aged 35-65 years in the city of Makkah and Jeddah by researchers from King Abdul Aziz University Jeddah, Periodontal Treatment shows that for the Makkah and Jeddah is lower of treatment that should be given to people in other countries, this indicates that the community needs of low Makkah and Jeddah on Periodontal Treatment.
Research with the powder (powder) siwak as additional material in the toothpaste compared with the use of toothpaste powder mixture without siwak Percentage indicates that the best results for the perfect dental health is to use toothpaste with grain-grain powder siwak, because the grain-grain powder siwak can reach between the teeth perfectly and removing the leftover food that is still lodged in between the teeth. This is encouraging companies in the world toothpaste powder siwak to include in their toothpaste products. WHO (World Health Organization) made siwak participated as one of the commodities that need to be kept in health and dibudidayakan.
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