Jumat, 23 Oktober 2009

Benefits Ceker and Chicken Eggs as Discounter Blood Pressure

Journals Japan Society for Bioscience Tsukuba recently revealed findings that have chicken claw efficacy for reducing high blood pressure.
Substance content of collagen (collagen, chicken extract) is equivalent to a chicken claw its activities with antihypertensive drugs ACE-inhibitor group. This claw collagen can reduce levels of plasma rennin, so do not bring blood pressure becomes higher.
So high blood approach to diet again now enriched with the presence of a chicken claw. Before this is known to play a role in controlling blood pressure mineral potassium. It is in their high blood pressure, intake of fruit should be sufficient. Not just one or two times a day, but four servings of fruits and vegetables.
In addition to the chicken claw was launched from the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, revealed no findings of experts from the University of Alberta, Canada, chicken eggs affairs role for high blood pressure sufferers. Cooked egg was potentially equivalent to ACE-inhibitor antihypertensive like a chicken claw.
Depending on how the eggs are presented, determine the level of benefits. Fried eggs higher potential than boiled antihipertensinya. Mixture of white and yolk is more potent than just the egg white or yellow only. Therefore, excessive fear of eggs should be abolished.

Limiting does not mean it's not. Eggs are a source of amino acids most complete. If tdak totally consuming eggs, the body needs 8 essential amino acids are not met. The body can not produce amino acids.

Lack of one or more amino acids led to a number of complaints or illnesses. Consumption of eggs two or three times a week rather than prohibition. Other findings mentioned, consuming nuts also help to suppress high blood pressure (Journal of Clinical Nutrition) for nuts contain unsaturated fats are healthful, but the mineral magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K) is high and the fiber, vitamins and antioxidants.
In fact the true ancestor of the menu always choose a similar DASH diet, claw, eggs, and nuts. In Japan, the tradition remains a healthy meal that is still perpetuated by the fishermen in Okinawa.

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