Jumat, 23 Oktober 2009

Quail eggs for Nutrition Brain

For some quail eggs may not be so famous than chicken eggs or duck eggs. Moreover, many people regard it as a source of cholesterol. Whereas the value of good nutrition for the fetus to the elderly.
Quail is a type of bird can not fly high, relatively small body size, short legs and can be played off. Famous quail eggs are small. Eggs are generally popular children for its unique and adorable. These eggs are usually served with boiled or as a way of material mixed vegetables (kankung HOTPLATE, Kimlo and soup) sauce as the contents of potatoes or meatballs, tofu and dumplings.
Viewed from the nutritional value, quail eggs no less than chicken eggs or duck eggs. Quail eggs are the best protein sources. 100 grams of quail eggs containing 13.05 grams of protein, slightly higher than chicken eggs or duck eggs. One of the benefits of egg protein compared with other animal protein is the high cernanya. This means that every gram of protein will be digested in the body in perfectly. Besides proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals, quail eggs are also rich in choline. Choline plays an important role in the body, especially for the development of brain function. This is closely related to the role of choline as a component that serves as asetikolin introduction of nerve signals.
Adequate choline intake will help to work on the brain's neural signals, which can strengthen the memory of children and prevent dementia in the elderly. Mothers who are in the pre pregnancy stage to breastfeed, should start consuming food sources of choline, such as quail eggs in a considerable amount. It is important to support fetal brain development. In addition adequate choline intake during pregnancy can also reduce the risk of cell death in the fetus, which means reducing the possibility of defects and miscarriages baby.
Good Eye Protection
One cirri very interesting characteristic of the egg, including quail egg yolk is the color. Yolk color, not just a refreshing eye color, but also showed that eggs contain lutein and Zeaksantin compounds. Both compounds had a pigment that gives yellow color. In addition to providing a yellow color, the pigment is found also have health benefits tremendous. In the retina, lutein and Zeaksantin can help protect the eyes from damage by filtering out blue light, especially in infants and children. In short, quail eggs are recommended for children who are in a growth phase or the mothers during pregnancy and lactation. Parents are also encouraged to consuming quail eggs, provided that does not have high cholesterol or suffer from obesity. Another benefit of quail eggs contain substances such as anti-cancer and reduce the risk of tumor diseases.

Benefits Ceker and Chicken Eggs as Discounter Blood Pressure

Journals Japan Society for Bioscience Tsukuba recently revealed findings that have chicken claw efficacy for reducing high blood pressure.
Substance content of collagen (collagen, chicken extract) is equivalent to a chicken claw its activities with antihypertensive drugs ACE-inhibitor group. This claw collagen can reduce levels of plasma rennin, so do not bring blood pressure becomes higher.
So high blood approach to diet again now enriched with the presence of a chicken claw. Before this is known to play a role in controlling blood pressure mineral potassium. It is in their high blood pressure, intake of fruit should be sufficient. Not just one or two times a day, but four servings of fruits and vegetables.
In addition to the chicken claw was launched from the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, revealed no findings of experts from the University of Alberta, Canada, chicken eggs affairs role for high blood pressure sufferers. Cooked egg was potentially equivalent to ACE-inhibitor antihypertensive like a chicken claw.
Depending on how the eggs are presented, determine the level of benefits. Fried eggs higher potential than boiled antihipertensinya. Mixture of white and yolk is more potent than just the egg white or yellow only. Therefore, excessive fear of eggs should be abolished.

Limiting does not mean it's not. Eggs are a source of amino acids most complete. If tdak totally consuming eggs, the body needs 8 essential amino acids are not met. The body can not produce amino acids.

Lack of one or more amino acids led to a number of complaints or illnesses. Consumption of eggs two or three times a week rather than prohibition. Other findings mentioned, consuming nuts also help to suppress high blood pressure (Journal of Clinical Nutrition) for nuts contain unsaturated fats are healthful, but the mineral magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K) is high and the fiber, vitamins and antioxidants.
In fact the true ancestor of the menu always choose a similar DASH diet, claw, eggs, and nuts. In Japan, the tradition remains a healthy meal that is still perpetuated by the fishermen in Okinawa.

Apples Efficacy

Appearance of red apples and ripe imagination and taste to invite people to look at. More than that, this fruit has many health benefits. This is among other benefits benefits of apples
1. overcome cholesterol
Apples contain phytochemicals known, effective antioxidants that fight bad cholesterol. Life Sciense in 1999 to write, besides overcoming bad cholesterol, apples also increases good cholesterol.
2. Preventing Cancer and Healthy Lungs
National Cancer Institute in the U.S. reported in apple flavonoid substances proven to overcome the risk of lung cancer up to 50%. Research from Cornell University in the United States also found that substances in the skin of apple phytochemicals inhibit the growth of colon cancer by 43%.

3. Preventing Heart Disease and Stroke
British Medical Journal (1996) notes, apples proved to prevent stroke.
4. Weight Loss
As a source of good fiber, apple good for the digestion and help you lose weight. Apples are an excellent snack for people who are overcoming weight because the high fiber content so as to prevent hunger comes more quickly.
5. Maintaining Dental Health
Apples also contain tannins, a substance useful periodontal dental hygiene. Gum disease is caused by bacteria stick to each other forming plaque.
6. Making Women Stay Beautiful
Content of boron in apple shown to help women maintain hormonal levels of estrogen at menopause. Maintaining estrogen means to reduce the distortion caused by hormone imbalance in the time of menopause, such as bursts of heat, pain, depression, heart disease and osteoporosis.
7. Protecting the Body from Viruses Flu
Konowalchuck in 1978 issued a publication about the antiviral effects of apple juice drinks. Immune consumption also increased thanks to the apple cider.

Babies with Stomach Sleeping Position, Do Not Worry

Benefits of sleeping on his stomach in infants;
• Babies learn to develop strength neck, back and muscles of the other
• Accelerating the baby can roll over the age of 4 months
• It'll get faster crawling
• reflex effect uncontrollable shock that can be reduced by sleeping on his stomach
• baby sleep more soundly can
To the occurrence of sudden anxiety would Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) or sudden death syndrome in infants makes parents doubt her little baby put to bed on her stomach. SIDS is not going to actually happen if the baby's condition is always monitored. So, do not be afraid stomach baby not even a month old. With frequent stomach, babies learn to develop the power of the neck, back and muscles of other parts. Less is more in the age of 4 months, most babies have been able to support the head and neck forward. If you have mastered these skills well, no longer than it was lifted up, he began turning bias, shift, and finally able to overthrow the body from the position on his stomach, back, and then his stomach again and so on.
Importance of stomach exercises have been proven by several studies. For example by Wichita Clinic in Newton, the United States who later published in the Archieves of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. Research shows, more infants who sleep on their backs much less likely to bias roll in 4 months of age than infants who slept on his stomach. The same is recognized by Glen guidelines (brain therapist). According to him, to make the baby move, then the baby should be placed on the floor, of course, a clean and safe, with the position he's prone to bias to spend as much time moving the hands and feet to move forward.
More Baby Sleeping soundly
In addition to the development of both motor sensors (senses and movement skills), stomach also makes babies sleep more soundly so. Moro reflex (reflex in the newborn that looked like a startled movement) often makes the baby awake and crying. Furthermore, infants who have been able to stomach his own would be easier to achieve gross motor skills are more complex, that is rolled over, crawled, stood up to walk. Babies should be given the opportunity to stomach about 30 minutes a day. Only, for premature infants, prone sleeping position is not recommended because the function of organs that have not matured. Surely a small baby in stomach should always be supervised.

Babies with Stomach Sleeping osition, do not worry telusuri