Dalam sebuah penelitian oleh Kimberly-Clark Professional, 39% dari survei
responden takut mengambil kuman di toilet umum lebih
daripada tempat lain. Apakah ada alasan yang bagus untuk rasa takut atau
orang terlalu khawatir? Dapatkah Anda mengurangi risiko?
Tanpa terlalu spesifik, ada banyak kuman yang dapat
berkembang di toilet. Bakteri hidup dari kelembaban dan organik
makanan (atau limbah) - yang dapat banyak di toilet umum.
Kekhawatiran akan menghubungi STD's (penyakit menular seksual) dari
toilet umum lebih berkaitan dengan rasa takut penyakit daripada
kemungkinan memungutnya dalam sebuah kamar kecil. Banyak
bakteri dan virus tidak hidup cukup lama di luar tubuh untuk
mudah menular. Namun, beberapa ahli mengakui ada
teoritis risiko herpes atau kepiting yang dikontrak di bawah
tertentu - tetapi tidak - kondisi. Beberapa fasilitas umum
menyediakan penutup toilet duduk flushable, antibakteri pembersih atau
Anda dapat baris tempat duduk dengan kertas toilet.
Perhatian yang lebih besar adalah bakteri salmonella dan shigella yang dapat
akan ditransfer melalui kontak dengan tinja. Yang terinfeksi dapat
menularkan bakteri di tangan mereka yang kemudian dapat
ditransfer ke memerah menangani, pintu menangani dan kran.
Kebersihan Toilet - melawan bakteri
Bau busuk, kurangnya pasokan dan genangan air di lantai semuanya dapat
tanda-tanda salah perawatan.
Bau yang berasal dari kamar mandi umum dapat disebabkan oleh air seni di
tile grout. Jika tidak benar lantai dibersihkan setiap hari (atau
lebih) maka garam asam urat tidak akan dihapus dengan teratur
pembersih. Garam ini menyediakan sumber makanan bagi bakteri yang
proses pencernaan mengeluarkan bau busuk.
Produk seperti MicroGuard (tm) dari AllDura dan bahkan stainless
baja dapat mengurangi pemeliharaan yang diperlukan untuk menjaga pertumbuhan bakteri
Kurangnya persediaan (kertas toilet, mengeringkan tangan handuk atau sabun) dapat
juga meningkatkan kondisi higienis dari sebuah kamar kecil. Terlalu
toilet ramai dapat kekurangan persediaan atau kurangnya
tersedia wastafel, sabun dispenser atau alat pengering.
Senin, 30 November 2009
Minggu, 29 November 2009
Kanker Serviks dan Pengobatannya
Kanker serviks, untuk beberapa orang, mungkin tidak akan menjadi sangat umum jenis kanker, tetapi sayangnya, tidak kurang berbahaya. Kanker jenis ini menempati posisi kedua setelah kanker payudara dalam jumlah kematian yang tercatat secara global, setiap tahun pada perempuan antara usia 35 dan 55. Meskipun prevalensi bervariasi dari satu negara ke negara, tergantung pada, aktivitas seksual; meskipun hal ini belum terbukti secara medis, sekitar 300.000 perempuan memiliki tahap berbeda kanker serviks secara global.
Penyebab kanker serviks jauh lebih rumit bila dibandingkan dengan kanker payudara dan dengan melakukan pemeriksaan Pap smear secara teratur, sering mudah untuk mendeteksi kanker pada tahap awal, apabila pengobatan akan lebih efektif dan kurang invasif. Penyebab paling umum dari kanker serviks telah terbukti menjadi manusia Papilloma Virus (HPV) yang ditularkan melalui hubungan seksual. Virus ini dapat menyebabkan luka di sel-sel dari leher rahim yang dapat berlanjut menjadi kanker. Namun, pemeriksaan Pap smear secara efisien dapat mendeteksi tanda-tanda awal kanker pra-perubahan dalam sel-sel ini.
Sayangnya, meskipun kesederhanaan jenis kanker ini, kebanyakan wanita tidak menyadari hal itu sampai tahap-tahap selanjutnya ketika kanker telah menyebar ke seluruh leher rahim dan kadang-kadang, ke organ terdekat. Hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh fakta bahwa perubahan kanker sel-sel serviks span suatu jangka waktu yang panjang dan seringkali tanpa gejala. Meskipun ini baik di satu sisi, karena memungkinkan Anda untuk mengobati secara efektif kondisi pada tahap pra-kanker, juga buruk, di lain pihak, karena tetap dalam tubuh yang sangat panjang selama periode waktu tertentu, tanpa bentuk tanda / peringatan, mendatangkan malapetaka pada sel-sel dari leher rahim dan membuat perawatan sangat sulit jika akhirnya ditemukan.
Jadi, pencegahan dan deteksi dini sangat penting dengan kanker serviks. Beberapa laporan medis mengatakan sekarang ada vaksin untuk mencegah kanker serviks. Vaksin dikatakan datang dalam tiga tembakan dan ketika diambil secara seri, itu diyakini benar-benar mampu mencegah kanker serviks dengan meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh terhadap HPV. Namun, vaksin harus diambil sebelum gadis menjadi aktif secara seksual untuk itu untuk bekerja secara optimal. Kau dan aku tahu bahwa bentuk pengobatan terbaik adalah pencegahan, jika Anda memiliki anak perempuan, saudara atau teman-teman yang masih di bawah umur seksual, membantu mereka mendapatkan vaksin ini akan membantu terbaik yang bisa Anda berikan kepada mereka. Tanyakan kepada praktisi medis untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai vaksin.
Pada tahap awal perkembangan kanker serviks biasanya diobati dengan kemoterapi atau radiasi atau kadang-kadang, kombinasi dari keduanya. Kemoterapi melibatkan penggunaan obat-obatan yang masuk ke dalam aliran darah. Ini mengandung zat-zat kimia yang dapat menemukan dan menghancurkan sel-sel kanker, tanpa merugikan sel-sel normal tubuh. Meskipun obat ini datang dengan beberapa efek samping, tetapi tubuh bisa mengatasi ini setelah perawatan telah selesai. Radiasi melibatkan penggunaan gelombang elektromagnetik yang kuat untuk mengecilkan tumor, membunuh sel-sel kanker dalam proses. Selama proses, organ-organ lain tubuh terlindungi dari radiasi.
Namun, dalam tahap lanjut kanker serviks, pembedahan biasanya merupakan satu-satunya alternatif. Tergantung pada seberapa jauh kanker telah menyebar, pengobatan mungkin memerlukan penghapusan parsial serviks dan rahim, yang dikenal sebagai parsial histerektomi. Ini cadangan indung telur dan bagian-bagian lain dari alat kelamin perempuan.
Jika penyebaran kanker telah mencapai beberapa bagian dari leher rahim dan rahim, radikal trachelectomy mungkin pengobatan alternatif. Ini melibatkan penghapusan serviks dan bagian bawah rahim dengan beberapa kelenjar getah bening di panggul yang mungkin telah terinfeksi. Pilihan perawatan ini dimaksudkan untuk mempertahankan kesuburan.
Namun, dalam kasus terburuk kanker serviks dimana kanker telah menyebar di luar rahim, radikal histerektomi adalah satu-satunya pilihan. Ini melibatkan menghapus sepenuhnya serviks dan rahim, ovarium, bagian dari vagina dan kelenjar getah bening di daerah. Ini adalah perlakuan yang sangat radikal dan sering menjadi alternatif terakhir ketika kanker telah keluar dari tangan. Karena nilai hormonal ovarium, pengangkatan ovarium sering memiliki implikasi kesehatan yang serius bagi wanita. Memperhatikan tubuh Anda, khususnya leher rahim, Pap smear secara teratur pengujian dan gaya hidup yang sehat adalah semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk memastikan bahwa Anda tidak pernah menderita seperti konsekuensi.
Penyebab kanker serviks jauh lebih rumit bila dibandingkan dengan kanker payudara dan dengan melakukan pemeriksaan Pap smear secara teratur, sering mudah untuk mendeteksi kanker pada tahap awal, apabila pengobatan akan lebih efektif dan kurang invasif. Penyebab paling umum dari kanker serviks telah terbukti menjadi manusia Papilloma Virus (HPV) yang ditularkan melalui hubungan seksual. Virus ini dapat menyebabkan luka di sel-sel dari leher rahim yang dapat berlanjut menjadi kanker. Namun, pemeriksaan Pap smear secara efisien dapat mendeteksi tanda-tanda awal kanker pra-perubahan dalam sel-sel ini.
Sayangnya, meskipun kesederhanaan jenis kanker ini, kebanyakan wanita tidak menyadari hal itu sampai tahap-tahap selanjutnya ketika kanker telah menyebar ke seluruh leher rahim dan kadang-kadang, ke organ terdekat. Hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh fakta bahwa perubahan kanker sel-sel serviks span suatu jangka waktu yang panjang dan seringkali tanpa gejala. Meskipun ini baik di satu sisi, karena memungkinkan Anda untuk mengobati secara efektif kondisi pada tahap pra-kanker, juga buruk, di lain pihak, karena tetap dalam tubuh yang sangat panjang selama periode waktu tertentu, tanpa bentuk tanda / peringatan, mendatangkan malapetaka pada sel-sel dari leher rahim dan membuat perawatan sangat sulit jika akhirnya ditemukan.
Jadi, pencegahan dan deteksi dini sangat penting dengan kanker serviks. Beberapa laporan medis mengatakan sekarang ada vaksin untuk mencegah kanker serviks. Vaksin dikatakan datang dalam tiga tembakan dan ketika diambil secara seri, itu diyakini benar-benar mampu mencegah kanker serviks dengan meningkatkan kekebalan tubuh terhadap HPV. Namun, vaksin harus diambil sebelum gadis menjadi aktif secara seksual untuk itu untuk bekerja secara optimal. Kau dan aku tahu bahwa bentuk pengobatan terbaik adalah pencegahan, jika Anda memiliki anak perempuan, saudara atau teman-teman yang masih di bawah umur seksual, membantu mereka mendapatkan vaksin ini akan membantu terbaik yang bisa Anda berikan kepada mereka. Tanyakan kepada praktisi medis untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai vaksin.
Pada tahap awal perkembangan kanker serviks biasanya diobati dengan kemoterapi atau radiasi atau kadang-kadang, kombinasi dari keduanya. Kemoterapi melibatkan penggunaan obat-obatan yang masuk ke dalam aliran darah. Ini mengandung zat-zat kimia yang dapat menemukan dan menghancurkan sel-sel kanker, tanpa merugikan sel-sel normal tubuh. Meskipun obat ini datang dengan beberapa efek samping, tetapi tubuh bisa mengatasi ini setelah perawatan telah selesai. Radiasi melibatkan penggunaan gelombang elektromagnetik yang kuat untuk mengecilkan tumor, membunuh sel-sel kanker dalam proses. Selama proses, organ-organ lain tubuh terlindungi dari radiasi.
Namun, dalam tahap lanjut kanker serviks, pembedahan biasanya merupakan satu-satunya alternatif. Tergantung pada seberapa jauh kanker telah menyebar, pengobatan mungkin memerlukan penghapusan parsial serviks dan rahim, yang dikenal sebagai parsial histerektomi. Ini cadangan indung telur dan bagian-bagian lain dari alat kelamin perempuan.
Jika penyebaran kanker telah mencapai beberapa bagian dari leher rahim dan rahim, radikal trachelectomy mungkin pengobatan alternatif. Ini melibatkan penghapusan serviks dan bagian bawah rahim dengan beberapa kelenjar getah bening di panggul yang mungkin telah terinfeksi. Pilihan perawatan ini dimaksudkan untuk mempertahankan kesuburan.
Namun, dalam kasus terburuk kanker serviks dimana kanker telah menyebar di luar rahim, radikal histerektomi adalah satu-satunya pilihan. Ini melibatkan menghapus sepenuhnya serviks dan rahim, ovarium, bagian dari vagina dan kelenjar getah bening di daerah. Ini adalah perlakuan yang sangat radikal dan sering menjadi alternatif terakhir ketika kanker telah keluar dari tangan. Karena nilai hormonal ovarium, pengangkatan ovarium sering memiliki implikasi kesehatan yang serius bagi wanita. Memperhatikan tubuh Anda, khususnya leher rahim, Pap smear secara teratur pengujian dan gaya hidup yang sehat adalah semua yang Anda butuhkan untuk memastikan bahwa Anda tidak pernah menderita seperti konsekuensi.
Sabtu, 28 November 2009
Kesehatan Seksual Wanita
Kesehatan perempuan tidak hanya dipantau dan dikelola oleh makanan yang ia makan, atau latihan dia menyelesaikan sepanjang minggu, tetapi juga oleh status kesehatan seksual-nya.
Kesehatan seksual perempuan sangat penting karena ada begitu banyak komplikasi yang dapat terjadi dalam tubuh perempuan yang dapat mengakibatkan konsekuensi yang mengancam jiwa.
Apa yang membuat beberapa masalah kesehatan seksual ini berbeda dari seorang laki-laki tidak hanya fakta bahwa dua alat kelamin berbeda yang terlibat, tetapi juga fakta bahwa perempuan melahirkan, sehingga meningkatkan komplikasi yang dapat timbul dan mempengaruhi kesehatan wanita.
Vaginal Bleeding
Salah satu hal yang mempengaruhi baik seksual dan kesehatan perempuan secara keseluruhan adalah adanya pendarahan vagina setelah hubungan seks, juga disebut sebagai post-coital pendarahan. Jika seorang wanita tidak di masa pada saat itu, ini bisa menjadi tanda peringatan dari sesuatu yang membutuhkan perhatian dokter.
Banyak kemungkinan penyebab dapat menyebabkan tindakan semacam itu terjadi. Memahami seksual dan kesehatan perempuan adalah penting karena beberapa penyebab perdarahan vagina yang umum terjadi dan bisa dengan mudah diobati dengan tidak ada masa depan untuk perempuan mempengaruhi kesehatan seksual, sedangkan penyebab lain dapat berubah menjadi komplikasi yang mengubah kehidupan.
Displasia serviks bisa menyebabkan perdarahan vagina, yang berarti bahwa ada kehadiran sel-sel prakanker dalam lapisan serviks yang dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan perempuan. Risiko perkembangan sel-sel ini meningkat ketika seorang wanita kompromi dengan kesehatan seksual dengan berhubungan seks sebelum usia 18; berhubungan seks dengan beberapa mitra; memiliki anak sebelum mereka berpaling 16 atau sudah memiliki PMS di masa lalu. Cryosurgery dapat mengobati kondisi ini, serta prosedur lain sebelum berubah menjadi sel-sel kanker serviks.
Polip serviks
Lain masalah kesehatan perempuan berkaitan dengan polip serviks, yang merupakan pertumbuhan yang memperluas, melewati leher rahim atau leher rahim. Rapuh ini, merah, atau ungu hama dapat dengan mudah dihilangkan tanpa rasa sakit.
Infeksi bakteri
Dua yang terkenal infeksi bakteri ditularkan selama hubungan seks atau kontak lain dengan sperma, cairan vagina atau darah. Mereka disebut klamidia dan gonore.
Gonore menawarkan beberapa perawatan yang dapat diresepkan oleh dokter.
Vaginitis, juga disebut cervicitis, adalah peradangan atau pembengkakan pada leher rahim atau vagina, yang disebabkan oleh infeksi. Tergantung pada apa yang menyebabkan vaginitis, pengobatan tersedia.
Trikomoniasis, penyakit menular seksual yang disebabkan oleh protozoa, bisa kompromi wanita kesehatan seksual, serta kesehatan bayi mereka. Mungkin bagi seorang ibu untuk melewati penyakit ini ke anaknya yang baru lahir selama kelahiran vagina.
Salah satu infeksi yang paling umum mempengaruhi kesehatan seksual perempuan adalah infeksi jamur vagina, yang merupakan pertumbuhan berlebih dari jamur yang tidak berbahaya yang ditemukan dalam vagina. Hasilnya adalah tidak berbau, keju-seperti discharge disertai gatal dan terbakar. Tiga dari empat wanita akan memiliki minimal satu infeksi jamur sepanjang masa hidupnya.
Ketika seorang wanita ingin untuk mencegah infeksi semacam ini tidak mempengaruhi kesehatan seksual, beberapa tindakan pencegahan yang tersedia - kesehatan seksual perempuan tips tentang infeksi jamur meliputi:
· Pakailah celana katun putih
· Gunakan hanya pelumas berbahan dasar air untuk vagina
· Selalu membersihkan dari depan ke belakang setelah buang air besar
· Makanlah satu cangkir yogurt per hari ketika di antibiotik
· Mandi Hindari produk yang mengandung parfum pada daerah vagina
· Jangan pancuran karena ia menciptakan tempat berkembang biak yang menarik untuk ragi berkembang.
Seksual lainnya dan masalah kesehatan perempuan termasuk endometritis, polip rahim, fibroid tumor, serta adenomysis, yang dapat mempengaruhi uterus dan ovarium. Pernah mengabaikan perdarahan vagina.
Memanggil dokter segera adalah cara terbaik untuk memecahkan seksual dan masalah kesehatan perempuan.
Kesehatan seksual perempuan sangat penting karena ada begitu banyak komplikasi yang dapat terjadi dalam tubuh perempuan yang dapat mengakibatkan konsekuensi yang mengancam jiwa.
Apa yang membuat beberapa masalah kesehatan seksual ini berbeda dari seorang laki-laki tidak hanya fakta bahwa dua alat kelamin berbeda yang terlibat, tetapi juga fakta bahwa perempuan melahirkan, sehingga meningkatkan komplikasi yang dapat timbul dan mempengaruhi kesehatan wanita.
Vaginal Bleeding
Salah satu hal yang mempengaruhi baik seksual dan kesehatan perempuan secara keseluruhan adalah adanya pendarahan vagina setelah hubungan seks, juga disebut sebagai post-coital pendarahan. Jika seorang wanita tidak di masa pada saat itu, ini bisa menjadi tanda peringatan dari sesuatu yang membutuhkan perhatian dokter.
Banyak kemungkinan penyebab dapat menyebabkan tindakan semacam itu terjadi. Memahami seksual dan kesehatan perempuan adalah penting karena beberapa penyebab perdarahan vagina yang umum terjadi dan bisa dengan mudah diobati dengan tidak ada masa depan untuk perempuan mempengaruhi kesehatan seksual, sedangkan penyebab lain dapat berubah menjadi komplikasi yang mengubah kehidupan.
Displasia serviks bisa menyebabkan perdarahan vagina, yang berarti bahwa ada kehadiran sel-sel prakanker dalam lapisan serviks yang dapat mempengaruhi kesehatan perempuan. Risiko perkembangan sel-sel ini meningkat ketika seorang wanita kompromi dengan kesehatan seksual dengan berhubungan seks sebelum usia 18; berhubungan seks dengan beberapa mitra; memiliki anak sebelum mereka berpaling 16 atau sudah memiliki PMS di masa lalu. Cryosurgery dapat mengobati kondisi ini, serta prosedur lain sebelum berubah menjadi sel-sel kanker serviks.
Polip serviks
Lain masalah kesehatan perempuan berkaitan dengan polip serviks, yang merupakan pertumbuhan yang memperluas, melewati leher rahim atau leher rahim. Rapuh ini, merah, atau ungu hama dapat dengan mudah dihilangkan tanpa rasa sakit.
Infeksi bakteri
Dua yang terkenal infeksi bakteri ditularkan selama hubungan seks atau kontak lain dengan sperma, cairan vagina atau darah. Mereka disebut klamidia dan gonore.
Gonore menawarkan beberapa perawatan yang dapat diresepkan oleh dokter.
Vaginitis, juga disebut cervicitis, adalah peradangan atau pembengkakan pada leher rahim atau vagina, yang disebabkan oleh infeksi. Tergantung pada apa yang menyebabkan vaginitis, pengobatan tersedia.
Trikomoniasis, penyakit menular seksual yang disebabkan oleh protozoa, bisa kompromi wanita kesehatan seksual, serta kesehatan bayi mereka. Mungkin bagi seorang ibu untuk melewati penyakit ini ke anaknya yang baru lahir selama kelahiran vagina.
Salah satu infeksi yang paling umum mempengaruhi kesehatan seksual perempuan adalah infeksi jamur vagina, yang merupakan pertumbuhan berlebih dari jamur yang tidak berbahaya yang ditemukan dalam vagina. Hasilnya adalah tidak berbau, keju-seperti discharge disertai gatal dan terbakar. Tiga dari empat wanita akan memiliki minimal satu infeksi jamur sepanjang masa hidupnya.
Ketika seorang wanita ingin untuk mencegah infeksi semacam ini tidak mempengaruhi kesehatan seksual, beberapa tindakan pencegahan yang tersedia - kesehatan seksual perempuan tips tentang infeksi jamur meliputi:
· Pakailah celana katun putih
· Gunakan hanya pelumas berbahan dasar air untuk vagina
· Selalu membersihkan dari depan ke belakang setelah buang air besar
· Makanlah satu cangkir yogurt per hari ketika di antibiotik
· Mandi Hindari produk yang mengandung parfum pada daerah vagina
· Jangan pancuran karena ia menciptakan tempat berkembang biak yang menarik untuk ragi berkembang.
Seksual lainnya dan masalah kesehatan perempuan termasuk endometritis, polip rahim, fibroid tumor, serta adenomysis, yang dapat mempengaruhi uterus dan ovarium. Pernah mengabaikan perdarahan vagina.
Memanggil dokter segera adalah cara terbaik untuk memecahkan seksual dan masalah kesehatan perempuan.
Jumat, 27 November 2009
Cervical Smear
Semua wanita pada suatu saat dalam kehidupan mereka harus memiliki smear serviks sebagai bagian dari pemeriksaan kesehatan. Tapi apakah anda tahu persis apa smear pada leher rahim, dan bagaimana hal itu dapat mempengaruhi, mendiagnosa atau mengobati penyakit perempuan? Baca terus untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang prosedur umum ini.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan Cervical Smear?
Sebuah serviks smear adalah suatu tes digunakan pada wanita untuk mengetahui apakah ada perubahan dalam kesehatan leher rahim. Hal ini berguna untuk mendiagnosis tahap-tahap awal kanker.
Leher rahim terletak di ujung rahim, dan menghubungkan ke bagian atas vagina. Ada sebuah kanal yang menghubungkan pusat vagina untuk bagian dalam rahim, dan ukuran sekitar 3cm persegi.
Mengapa Have a Cervical Smear?
Alasan utama untuk memiliki smear serviks untuk memantau kesehatan leher rahim, dan untuk menurunkan jumlah wanita yang terkena kanker serviks. The smear ditargetkan untuk mendeteksi strain awal sel-sel kanker berpotensi. Jika tertangkap dalam waktu, kesehatan wanita mungkin tidak menderita sekali, dan pertumbuhan kanker tidak kemajuan lebih lanjut. Namun, pada leher rahim smear hanya proses penyaringan; itu tidak akan mendeteksi semua bentuk kanker, sepanjang waktu.
Who Needs a Cervical Smear?
Wanita yang aktif secara seksual, atau yang berusia 18 tahun atau lebih (apapun yang terjadi terlebih dahulu) harus mengambil kesehatan mereka dalam tangan mereka sendiri dan serviks smear secara teratur sampai usia 70. Teratur akan smear setiap tiga tahun bagi kebanyakan wanita, tergantung pada kesehatan mereka dan hasil smear terakhir. Selain itu, perempuan yang tidak sehat harus memiliki smear tahunan, seperti orang-orang dengan HIV. Perempuan yang telah menjalani histerektomi yang telah abnormal pap smear di masa lalu itu sendiri harus diperiksa setiap tahun oleh praktisi kesehatan; masih ada risiko pertumbuhan sel abnormal di bagian atas saluran vagina.
Bagaimana adalah Smear serviks Selesai?
Sebuah smear serviks hanya diambil ketika perempuan berada dalam kesehatan yang baik, dan tidak berdarah. Setiap darah yang muncul selama pengujian dapat condong hasil tidak perlu.
Prosedur ini dilakukan dengan perempuan di punggung mereka, dan mengangkat kaki mereka di udara oleh praktisi kesehatan atau sanggurdi. Sebuah spekulum ditempatkan di dalam vagina, sehingga praktisi kesehatan dapat melihat leher rahim perempuan erat. Lalu sikat-seperti Instrumen itu diletakkan di atas leher rahim, dan sel-sel menyeka ke kuas, dan kemudian ditempatkan ke atas slide kaca untuk diagnosis.
Leher rahim perempuan smear dapat dilakukan oleh seorang praktisi kesehatan, seperti dokter atau perawat. Prosedur biasanya hanya berlangsung beberapa menit, paling lama, dan tidak menyakitkan, walaupun mungkin sedikit tidak nyaman.
Apa yang dimaksud dengan Cervical Smear?
Sebuah serviks smear adalah suatu tes digunakan pada wanita untuk mengetahui apakah ada perubahan dalam kesehatan leher rahim. Hal ini berguna untuk mendiagnosis tahap-tahap awal kanker.
Leher rahim terletak di ujung rahim, dan menghubungkan ke bagian atas vagina. Ada sebuah kanal yang menghubungkan pusat vagina untuk bagian dalam rahim, dan ukuran sekitar 3cm persegi.
Mengapa Have a Cervical Smear?
Alasan utama untuk memiliki smear serviks untuk memantau kesehatan leher rahim, dan untuk menurunkan jumlah wanita yang terkena kanker serviks. The smear ditargetkan untuk mendeteksi strain awal sel-sel kanker berpotensi. Jika tertangkap dalam waktu, kesehatan wanita mungkin tidak menderita sekali, dan pertumbuhan kanker tidak kemajuan lebih lanjut. Namun, pada leher rahim smear hanya proses penyaringan; itu tidak akan mendeteksi semua bentuk kanker, sepanjang waktu.
Who Needs a Cervical Smear?
Wanita yang aktif secara seksual, atau yang berusia 18 tahun atau lebih (apapun yang terjadi terlebih dahulu) harus mengambil kesehatan mereka dalam tangan mereka sendiri dan serviks smear secara teratur sampai usia 70. Teratur akan smear setiap tiga tahun bagi kebanyakan wanita, tergantung pada kesehatan mereka dan hasil smear terakhir. Selain itu, perempuan yang tidak sehat harus memiliki smear tahunan, seperti orang-orang dengan HIV. Perempuan yang telah menjalani histerektomi yang telah abnormal pap smear di masa lalu itu sendiri harus diperiksa setiap tahun oleh praktisi kesehatan; masih ada risiko pertumbuhan sel abnormal di bagian atas saluran vagina.
Bagaimana adalah Smear serviks Selesai?
Sebuah smear serviks hanya diambil ketika perempuan berada dalam kesehatan yang baik, dan tidak berdarah. Setiap darah yang muncul selama pengujian dapat condong hasil tidak perlu.
Prosedur ini dilakukan dengan perempuan di punggung mereka, dan mengangkat kaki mereka di udara oleh praktisi kesehatan atau sanggurdi. Sebuah spekulum ditempatkan di dalam vagina, sehingga praktisi kesehatan dapat melihat leher rahim perempuan erat. Lalu sikat-seperti Instrumen itu diletakkan di atas leher rahim, dan sel-sel menyeka ke kuas, dan kemudian ditempatkan ke atas slide kaca untuk diagnosis.
Leher rahim perempuan smear dapat dilakukan oleh seorang praktisi kesehatan, seperti dokter atau perawat. Prosedur biasanya hanya berlangsung beberapa menit, paling lama, dan tidak menyakitkan, walaupun mungkin sedikit tidak nyaman.
Kamis, 26 November 2009
Tips Bersepeda yang Baik Terhadap Kesehatan
Sumber terbesar dari ketidaknyamanan untuk pengendara sepeda adalah hidung kursi sepeda mereka menekan saraf dan jaringan lunak. Untuk pria, rasa sakit ini membawa kekhawatiran tambahan impotensi. Impotensi ini disebabkan oleh kerusakan saraf dan arteri. Berolahraga secara teratur membantu arteri tetap sehat, sehingga membantu mencegah impotensi bersepeda, asalkan tidak merusak arteri dan saraf lokal.
Kajian terbaru menunjukkan bahwa tiga persen dari pengendara sepeda laki-laki biasa menjadi impoten, dan hampir semua dari mereka merasa sakit atau baal sebelum masalah terjadi. Ketika saraf mencubit atau suplai darah mematikan ke penis, seorang pria merasa mati rasa. Laki-laki yang naik sepeda konvensional kursi dan tidak merasa mati rasa tidak mungkin berada pada risiko. Jika Anda merasa tidak nyaman ketika Anda naik, terus naik dan berhenti khawatir. Jika Anda merasa mati rasa, mendapatkan kursi baru.
Setengah dari penis di dalam tubuh dan aliran darah utama berasal dari daerah tepat di belakang skrotum dan di depan rektum. Jadi sepeda kursi yang pers di daerah itu dapat menyebabkan impotensi, sementara orang-orang yang tidak punya hidung dan memiliki daerah melebar untuk menahan berat badan pada tulang Sitz Anda harus mencegah masalah. Beberapa pengusaha dikembangkan kursi yang telah lubang di tengah. Teori mereka adalah bahwa jika tidak ada tekanan di belakang skrotum, tidak akan ada mati rasa. Namun, tidak ada baik studi menunjukkan bahwa kursi ini mencegah mati rasa dan karena itu mencegah impotensi, karena hidung di depan lubang masih diberikan tekanan pada saraf dan arteri. Mereka dapat membuat masalah lebih buruk karena tekanan pada daerah meningkat deceases sebagai daerah. Membuat lubang di tengah penurunan luas permukaan pelana dan karena itu meningkatkan tekanan pada arteri dan saraf.
Cara terbaik untuk menghindari tekanan pada arteri yang membawa darah ke penis adalah dengan menggunakan pelana tanpa hidung. Saya menggunakan kursi berbentuk persegi panjang dengan tepi membulat di depan, yang disebut The Seat oleh Ergo. Desain yang sama yang tersedia dari sepeda Solusi Seat, Easyseat, Spongywonder dan Spiderflex merek. The Seat adalah cukup lebar untuk memungkinkan saya untuk meletakkan beban pada Sitz tulang panggul saya bukannya selangkanganku. Aku tidak pernah menderita mati rasa dan tidak khawatir tentang impotensi, tetapi tidak bekerja untuk semua orang. Pembalap harus memiliki kursi sepeda hidung antara kaki mereka untuk membantu mengendalikan sepeda dengan kaki
mereka, tetapi jika anda tidak perlu dengan kedua tangan naik pitam bar pada saat yang sama, Anda harus dapat menggunakan hidung-kurang kursi. Hidung-kurang kursi memaksa Anda untuk membungkuk ke depan. Untuk menjaga diri dari jatuh, Anda harus menahan diri pada setang Anda. Hal ini menempatkan banyak tekanan pada bahu lengan dan tangan, sehingga Anda harus memperkuat tubuh bagian atas dan perubahan posisi sering.
Tips lain untuk kenyamanan di kursi sepeda meliputi:
1) Hindari kursi dengan bantalan yang berlebihan. Padding Semakin besar, semakin Anda tenggelam ke dalam pelana dan semakin besar kemungkinan Anda merasa mati rasa.
2) Gunakan gel pelana. Mereka tidak terlalu keras dan tidak terlalu lembut.
3) Jangan pernah miringkan hidung pelana ke atas. Kursi harus tingkat atau ke bawah sedikit sudut.
4) Tetapkan setang lebih tinggi sehingga Anda tidak perlu membungkuk ke depan. Semakin rendah Anda tikungan, semakin besar tekanan pada perineum Anda.
5) Ride yang lebih posisi tegak lurus. Namun, ini meningkatkan hambatan angin dan akan memperlambat Anda.
6) Ubah posisi sesering mungkin naik.
7) Pakailah padding tipis di celana Anda. Celana sepeda paling baik datang dengan bentuk pas padding chamois.
Kajian terbaru menunjukkan bahwa tiga persen dari pengendara sepeda laki-laki biasa menjadi impoten, dan hampir semua dari mereka merasa sakit atau baal sebelum masalah terjadi. Ketika saraf mencubit atau suplai darah mematikan ke penis, seorang pria merasa mati rasa. Laki-laki yang naik sepeda konvensional kursi dan tidak merasa mati rasa tidak mungkin berada pada risiko. Jika Anda merasa tidak nyaman ketika Anda naik, terus naik dan berhenti khawatir. Jika Anda merasa mati rasa, mendapatkan kursi baru.
Setengah dari penis di dalam tubuh dan aliran darah utama berasal dari daerah tepat di belakang skrotum dan di depan rektum. Jadi sepeda kursi yang pers di daerah itu dapat menyebabkan impotensi, sementara orang-orang yang tidak punya hidung dan memiliki daerah melebar untuk menahan berat badan pada tulang Sitz Anda harus mencegah masalah. Beberapa pengusaha dikembangkan kursi yang telah lubang di tengah. Teori mereka adalah bahwa jika tidak ada tekanan di belakang skrotum, tidak akan ada mati rasa. Namun, tidak ada baik studi menunjukkan bahwa kursi ini mencegah mati rasa dan karena itu mencegah impotensi, karena hidung di depan lubang masih diberikan tekanan pada saraf dan arteri. Mereka dapat membuat masalah lebih buruk karena tekanan pada daerah meningkat deceases sebagai daerah. Membuat lubang di tengah penurunan luas permukaan pelana dan karena itu meningkatkan tekanan pada arteri dan saraf.
Cara terbaik untuk menghindari tekanan pada arteri yang membawa darah ke penis adalah dengan menggunakan pelana tanpa hidung. Saya menggunakan kursi berbentuk persegi panjang dengan tepi membulat di depan, yang disebut The Seat oleh Ergo. Desain yang sama yang tersedia dari sepeda Solusi Seat, Easyseat, Spongywonder dan Spiderflex merek. The Seat adalah cukup lebar untuk memungkinkan saya untuk meletakkan beban pada Sitz tulang panggul saya bukannya selangkanganku. Aku tidak pernah menderita mati rasa dan tidak khawatir tentang impotensi, tetapi tidak bekerja untuk semua orang. Pembalap harus memiliki kursi sepeda hidung antara kaki mereka untuk membantu mengendalikan sepeda dengan kaki
mereka, tetapi jika anda tidak perlu dengan kedua tangan naik pitam bar pada saat yang sama, Anda harus dapat menggunakan hidung-kurang kursi. Hidung-kurang kursi memaksa Anda untuk membungkuk ke depan. Untuk menjaga diri dari jatuh, Anda harus menahan diri pada setang Anda. Hal ini menempatkan banyak tekanan pada bahu lengan dan tangan, sehingga Anda harus memperkuat tubuh bagian atas dan perubahan posisi sering.
Tips lain untuk kenyamanan di kursi sepeda meliputi:
1) Hindari kursi dengan bantalan yang berlebihan. Padding Semakin besar, semakin Anda tenggelam ke dalam pelana dan semakin besar kemungkinan Anda merasa mati rasa.
2) Gunakan gel pelana. Mereka tidak terlalu keras dan tidak terlalu lembut.
3) Jangan pernah miringkan hidung pelana ke atas. Kursi harus tingkat atau ke bawah sedikit sudut.
4) Tetapkan setang lebih tinggi sehingga Anda tidak perlu membungkuk ke depan. Semakin rendah Anda tikungan, semakin besar tekanan pada perineum Anda.
5) Ride yang lebih posisi tegak lurus. Namun, ini meningkatkan hambatan angin dan akan memperlambat Anda.
6) Ubah posisi sesering mungkin naik.
7) Pakailah padding tipis di celana Anda. Celana sepeda paling baik datang dengan bentuk pas padding chamois.
Rabu, 25 November 2009
Jamur Dapat Bermasalah Bagi Kesehatan Kita
Jamur di mana-mana. Periksa bawah karpet, di balik tembok, di ubin kamar mandi, di kopi, dan di sana itu. Ini adalah bagian dari kehidupan tidak dapat dihindari yang dapat dikendalikan, tetapi tidak pernah benar-benar dihapuskan.
Karena kita harus hidup dengan cetakan, penting untuk menyadari jamur terkait masalah kesehatan. Bagaimana keberadaan jamur di rumah Anda merugikan Anda?
Sementara beberapa jenis jamur mengandung racun, sebagian besar jamur adalah non-toksik dan tidak mengancam hidup. Namun, reaksi alami kita untuk membentuk menjengkelkan menyebabkan banyak masalah kecil, dan ada beberapa risiko potensi masalah jangka panjang.
Jika Anda menderita asma atau gangguan pernapasan lainnya, jamur dapat menjadi risiko kesehatan yang sangat serius bagi Anda. Anda harus mencoba untuk menjaga rumah Anda bebas jamur sebaik-baiknya, dan berbicara dengan dokter Anda tentang cara-cara untuk membatasi bahaya.
Berikut adalah beberapa cetakan umum mengenai masalah-masalah kesehatan:
Nasal Congestion.
Kebanyakan orang agak alergi terhadap jamur. Gejala yang paling umum adalah hidung tersumbat. Walaupun Anda tidak memiliki dingin, Anda mungkin mendapatkan hidung tersumbat ketika Anda memasuki ruangan atau rumah tertentu. Jika Anda tiba-tiba sesak di bagian-bagian tertentu dari rumah Anda, ini mungkin merupakan indikasi bahwa Anda memiliki beberapa jamur yang tumbuh di suatu tempat yang Anda tidak dapat melihat.
Sakit kepala.
Seiring dengan hidung tersumbat, banyak orang mengalami sakit kepala. Apakah Anda pernah mendapat sakit kepala ketika Anda berada di tempat berdebu? Jamur bekerja dengan cara yang sama. Jika Anda memiliki sakit kepala terus-menerus tanpa alasan yang jelas ketika Anda di rumah, Anda mungkin memiliki masalah cetakan.
Mata gatal atau berair.
Menghasilkan spora mold udara yang dapat mengganggu bagian-bagian berbeda dari tubuh kita. Paling sering, spora ini masuk ke rongga hidung kita atau paru-paru, tetapi mereka juga dapat mengganggu mata Anda. Gejala termasuk gatal, merah atau mata berair berlebihan.
Kesulitan bernapas.
Dalam kasus yang sangat parah, Anda mungkin mengalami sesak napas. Ini hanya akan terjadi jika Anda memiliki masalah cetakan yang serius. Jika Anda bekerja di sebuah bangunan tua atau dalam lingkungan yang sangat lembab, Anda mungkin mengalami sesak napas karena jamur. Dalam kasus ini, ruangan perlu ditayangkan dan ini mungkin berbahaya bagi Anda untuk menghabiskan waktu di sana sampai cetakan terkendali.
Iritasi kulit.
Dalam beberapa kasus, spora jamur dapat mengiritasi kulit dan menyebabkan ruam. Ini tidak umum, tapi itu tidak terjadi.
Jika Anda mempunyai asma, paparan terus-menerus untuk membentuk dapat menjadi masalah kesehatan yang serius. Spora mold akan membawa pada serangan asma dan menyebabkan Anda kesulitan bernapas. Jika Anda menderita asma atau terutama peka terhadap jamur, Anda harus menjaga lingkungan sebagai bebas jamur mungkin.
Belum terbukti secara ilmiah, namun banyak profesional medis percaya bahwa paparan terus-menerus untuk mencetak di masa kanak-kanak dapat menjadi faktor dalam pengembangan asma. Untuk alasan ini, harus ekstra hati-hati tentang jamur di rumah Anda jika Anda mempunyai anak kecil.
Jamur tumbuh di mana-mana, tetapi khususnya di tempat hangat, lembab lingkungan. Rumah Anda mungkin memiliki masalah cetakan yang tidak dapat Anda lihat, sehingga penting untuk memperhatikan gejala-gejala dan menyingkirkan cetakan!
Karena kita harus hidup dengan cetakan, penting untuk menyadari jamur terkait masalah kesehatan. Bagaimana keberadaan jamur di rumah Anda merugikan Anda?
Sementara beberapa jenis jamur mengandung racun, sebagian besar jamur adalah non-toksik dan tidak mengancam hidup. Namun, reaksi alami kita untuk membentuk menjengkelkan menyebabkan banyak masalah kecil, dan ada beberapa risiko potensi masalah jangka panjang.
Jika Anda menderita asma atau gangguan pernapasan lainnya, jamur dapat menjadi risiko kesehatan yang sangat serius bagi Anda. Anda harus mencoba untuk menjaga rumah Anda bebas jamur sebaik-baiknya, dan berbicara dengan dokter Anda tentang cara-cara untuk membatasi bahaya.
Berikut adalah beberapa cetakan umum mengenai masalah-masalah kesehatan:
Nasal Congestion.
Kebanyakan orang agak alergi terhadap jamur. Gejala yang paling umum adalah hidung tersumbat. Walaupun Anda tidak memiliki dingin, Anda mungkin mendapatkan hidung tersumbat ketika Anda memasuki ruangan atau rumah tertentu. Jika Anda tiba-tiba sesak di bagian-bagian tertentu dari rumah Anda, ini mungkin merupakan indikasi bahwa Anda memiliki beberapa jamur yang tumbuh di suatu tempat yang Anda tidak dapat melihat.
Sakit kepala.
Seiring dengan hidung tersumbat, banyak orang mengalami sakit kepala. Apakah Anda pernah mendapat sakit kepala ketika Anda berada di tempat berdebu? Jamur bekerja dengan cara yang sama. Jika Anda memiliki sakit kepala terus-menerus tanpa alasan yang jelas ketika Anda di rumah, Anda mungkin memiliki masalah cetakan.
Mata gatal atau berair.
Menghasilkan spora mold udara yang dapat mengganggu bagian-bagian berbeda dari tubuh kita. Paling sering, spora ini masuk ke rongga hidung kita atau paru-paru, tetapi mereka juga dapat mengganggu mata Anda. Gejala termasuk gatal, merah atau mata berair berlebihan.
Kesulitan bernapas.
Dalam kasus yang sangat parah, Anda mungkin mengalami sesak napas. Ini hanya akan terjadi jika Anda memiliki masalah cetakan yang serius. Jika Anda bekerja di sebuah bangunan tua atau dalam lingkungan yang sangat lembab, Anda mungkin mengalami sesak napas karena jamur. Dalam kasus ini, ruangan perlu ditayangkan dan ini mungkin berbahaya bagi Anda untuk menghabiskan waktu di sana sampai cetakan terkendali.
Iritasi kulit.
Dalam beberapa kasus, spora jamur dapat mengiritasi kulit dan menyebabkan ruam. Ini tidak umum, tapi itu tidak terjadi.
Jika Anda mempunyai asma, paparan terus-menerus untuk membentuk dapat menjadi masalah kesehatan yang serius. Spora mold akan membawa pada serangan asma dan menyebabkan Anda kesulitan bernapas. Jika Anda menderita asma atau terutama peka terhadap jamur, Anda harus menjaga lingkungan sebagai bebas jamur mungkin.
Belum terbukti secara ilmiah, namun banyak profesional medis percaya bahwa paparan terus-menerus untuk mencetak di masa kanak-kanak dapat menjadi faktor dalam pengembangan asma. Untuk alasan ini, harus ekstra hati-hati tentang jamur di rumah Anda jika Anda mempunyai anak kecil.
Jamur tumbuh di mana-mana, tetapi khususnya di tempat hangat, lembab lingkungan. Rumah Anda mungkin memiliki masalah cetakan yang tidak dapat Anda lihat, sehingga penting untuk memperhatikan gejala-gejala dan menyingkirkan cetakan!
Selasa, 24 November 2009
Operasi Plastik Hidung
Hampir semua bedah plastik atau kosmetik dianggap elektif, yang berarti asuransi kesehatan tidak membayar untuk itu. Ini berarti Anda perlu memiliki pemahaman keseluruhan biaya operasi hidung.
Berapa biaya operasi hidung
Hidung adalah sebuah istilah yang benar-benar mengacu pada molding hidung atau hidung membentuk, dan itu adalah salah satu dunia yang paling umum prosedur operasi plastik. Banyak orang memilih untuk memiliki hal itu dilakukan karena mereka tidak puas dengan bentuk dan ukuran hidung mereka, dan ingin meningkatkan penampilan wajah mereka. Setelah Anda memutuskan untuk memiliki pekerjaan hidung, pertanyaan kedua adalah banyak orang bertanya, "Apa yang dimaksud dengan biaya operasi hidung?"
Seperti halnya prosedur medis, biaya pekerjaan hidung berbeda, tergantung pada siapa yang melakukan pembedahan, dimana dilakukan dan sumber daya apa yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan operasi. Pekerjaan hidung adalah salah satu dari beberapa prosedur operasi plastik yang kadang-kadang dapat ditanggung oleh asuransi. Cakupan dapat muncul ketika operasi harus dilakukan untuk alasan medis, misalnya untuk memperbaiki masalah pernapasan. Jika hidung Anda pekerjaan adalah murni kosmetik, Anda akan perlu untuk membayar operasi Anda dari saku.
Biaya operasi hidung biasanya berlangsung dari sekitar $ 3000 untuk $ 6.000, tergantung pada prosedur yang tepat yang akan dilakukan. Di mana operasi ini selesai juga merupakan faktor utama. Jika pekerjaan hidung harus dilakukan di rumah sakit, bukan sebuah pusat bedah rawat jalan atau kantor, biaya akan lebih tinggi. Ini juga akan tergantung pada apakah lokal atau anestesi umum diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan operasi. Jika anestesi umum diperlukan, biaya akan lebih tinggi sebagai anestesi perlu hadir untuk operasi.
Faktor lain yang ikut bermain untuk biaya operasi hidung adalah biaya pra-dan pasca-operasi perawatan, biaya fasilitas lainnya, dan lokasi Anda di negara ini. Hidung dapat lebih mahal jika ahli bedah plastik terkenal atau di daerah permintaan yang tinggi seperti Atlanta, Beverly Hills atau New York City. Tingkat kesulitan prosedur Anda juga akan menjadi faktor. Jelas, semakin lama operasi yang diperlukan, maka akan semakin biaya.
Biaya operasi hidung seharusnya tidak pernah menjadi satu-satunya faktor penentu dalam memilih dokter bedah plastik atau operasi fasilitas. Anda akan ingin untuk mempertimbangkan apakah Anda merasa nyaman dengan dokter bedah, serta dokter pengalaman dan kualifikasi lainnya. Selalu memilih papan ahli bedah plastik bersertifikat dengan pengalaman dalam pekerjaan hidung dan prosedur lain yang ingin Anda miliki. Pastikan untuk melihat sebelum dan sesudah gambar untuk mendapatkan merasakan hasil dokter sebelumnya diproduksi untuk pasien lain.
Berapa biaya operasi hidung
Hidung adalah sebuah istilah yang benar-benar mengacu pada molding hidung atau hidung membentuk, dan itu adalah salah satu dunia yang paling umum prosedur operasi plastik. Banyak orang memilih untuk memiliki hal itu dilakukan karena mereka tidak puas dengan bentuk dan ukuran hidung mereka, dan ingin meningkatkan penampilan wajah mereka. Setelah Anda memutuskan untuk memiliki pekerjaan hidung, pertanyaan kedua adalah banyak orang bertanya, "Apa yang dimaksud dengan biaya operasi hidung?"
Seperti halnya prosedur medis, biaya pekerjaan hidung berbeda, tergantung pada siapa yang melakukan pembedahan, dimana dilakukan dan sumber daya apa yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan operasi. Pekerjaan hidung adalah salah satu dari beberapa prosedur operasi plastik yang kadang-kadang dapat ditanggung oleh asuransi. Cakupan dapat muncul ketika operasi harus dilakukan untuk alasan medis, misalnya untuk memperbaiki masalah pernapasan. Jika hidung Anda pekerjaan adalah murni kosmetik, Anda akan perlu untuk membayar operasi Anda dari saku.
Biaya operasi hidung biasanya berlangsung dari sekitar $ 3000 untuk $ 6.000, tergantung pada prosedur yang tepat yang akan dilakukan. Di mana operasi ini selesai juga merupakan faktor utama. Jika pekerjaan hidung harus dilakukan di rumah sakit, bukan sebuah pusat bedah rawat jalan atau kantor, biaya akan lebih tinggi. Ini juga akan tergantung pada apakah lokal atau anestesi umum diperlukan untuk menyelesaikan operasi. Jika anestesi umum diperlukan, biaya akan lebih tinggi sebagai anestesi perlu hadir untuk operasi.
Faktor lain yang ikut bermain untuk biaya operasi hidung adalah biaya pra-dan pasca-operasi perawatan, biaya fasilitas lainnya, dan lokasi Anda di negara ini. Hidung dapat lebih mahal jika ahli bedah plastik terkenal atau di daerah permintaan yang tinggi seperti Atlanta, Beverly Hills atau New York City. Tingkat kesulitan prosedur Anda juga akan menjadi faktor. Jelas, semakin lama operasi yang diperlukan, maka akan semakin biaya.
Biaya operasi hidung seharusnya tidak pernah menjadi satu-satunya faktor penentu dalam memilih dokter bedah plastik atau operasi fasilitas. Anda akan ingin untuk mempertimbangkan apakah Anda merasa nyaman dengan dokter bedah, serta dokter pengalaman dan kualifikasi lainnya. Selalu memilih papan ahli bedah plastik bersertifikat dengan pengalaman dalam pekerjaan hidung dan prosedur lain yang ingin Anda miliki. Pastikan untuk melihat sebelum dan sesudah gambar untuk mendapatkan merasakan hasil dokter sebelumnya diproduksi untuk pasien lain.
Senin, 23 November 2009
Mouth Cancer
Growth of benign (non-cancerous, benign) and malignant growth (cancer, malignant) can be derived from various networks in and around the mouth, including the bones, muscles and nerves.
Cancer originating from the mouth or the network layer is called surface carcinoma, a cancer that originated from a deeper jariangan called sarkoma.Meskipun rare, cancer is found in the mouth can come from other parts of the body, particularly lung, breast and prostat.Kanker with diameters of less than 1 cm can usually be treated easily.
But most cancers are not diagnosed until the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes jaw and neck.
Since the late discovery of this cancer, then 25% of oral cancers are fatal
Highest risk was found in drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco.
Approximately two-thirds of oral cancers occur in men.
Cigarette smoking are more likely to cause mouth cancer than smoking cigars or through pipes.
Stains smokers (the flat brown spots) can occur on the side where a cigarette or pipe is usually placed on the lips.
With a biopsy, can be known whether these spots are malignant or not.
Repeated irritation due to the sharp edge of broken teeth, fillings or dentures can be an additional risk for cancer of the mouth.
People who have suffered from mouth cancer have a higher risk for other cancers
Most oral cancers occur on the edge of the tongue, floor of the mouth and soft palate (the back of the roof of the mouth).
Cancer of the tongue and floor of the mouth is usually a squamous cell carcinoma.
Kaposi's sarcoma is a cancer of the blood vessels near the skin.
Kaposi's sarcoma is often found in the mouth (usually on the palate) people with AIDS.
In people who chew tobacco and inhalation of tobacco, the inside of the cheeks and lips are often found where cancer.
This cancer is carcinomas verukosa slow growth.
Melanoma is a cancer that usually occurs in the skin, and more rarely occurs in the mouth.
An area in the mouth that turn into brown or darker than normal may be a melanoma and should be sent to the doctor or dentist.
Melanoma should be distinguished from normal areas berpigmentasi found in the mouth, which often occurs in some families, and especially in the Mediterranean people and blacks.
In the early stages, tongue cancer did not cause pain and are usually found on routine dental examination.
Cancer usually grows at the edge of the tongue.
Almost never at the base of the tongue except the person who had suffered from untreated syphilis for several years.
Squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue often looks like an open wound (ulcer) and tend to grow into the tissue beneath.
Eritroplakia (red areas in the mouth) is a sign of cancer.
Someone with eritroplakia on the edge of his tongue should immediately went to the doctor or dentist.
Basic Mouth
In the early stages, the cancer floor of the mouth does not cause pain and are usually found on routine dental examination.
Floor of the mouth cancer is usually a squamous cell carcinoma, which looks like an open wound and tend to grow into the structure beneath.
Anyone who has a reddish spots (eritroplakia) at the bottom of his mouth, should immediately see a doctor or dentist because it could be an indication of the existence of cancer.
Soft palate
Cancer in the soft palate can be a squamous cell carcinoma or cancer that begins in the small salivary glands in the soft palate.
Squamous cell carcinoma often looks like an open wound.
Cancer that begins in the small salivary glands usually appear as small swellings.
Mouth coating
If the inner layer of moist mouth (mouth mucosa) become irritated for a long time, can form a flat white patches (leukoplakia).
Tersebit white spots because it is a thickening of the keratin layer, the material covering the outer layer of the skin and in normal circumstances there is in the amount not too much in the mouth mucosa.
Unlike the other white spots in mouth (because of a buildup of food, bacteria or fungi), leukoplakia can not be cleaned.
Most of leukoplakia is a response of protection against further injury.
But in the process of formation of this protective cover, some cells can become malignant.
Conversely, eritroplakia (reddish patches in the mouth) is the result of depletion of mucous membranes.
The area was flushed from the capillaries (small blood vessels) in the bottom more easily visible.
Eritroplakia more a sign of cancer worse than leukoplakia.
Someone with red spots on the mouth should immediately see a doctor or dentist.
Ulcer is a hole formed in the mucosa when the top layer of mucosal cells were destroyed and damaged, so the tissue underneath looks.
An ulcer was white because of the cells that die in the pit.
Frequent mouth ulcers due to injury or irritation of the network, for example, if accidental inside of his cheek bitten or scratched.
Other causes are thrush and irritant substances, such as aspirin which is inhaled in the gums.
Benign ulcer is always painful.
An ulcer that does not feel sick and stayed for more than 10 days may be pre-cancerous or cancerous and should be immediately examined by a doctor or dentist.
In someone who has a habit of chewing tobacco or sucking tobacco, white bumps can occur on the inner cheek.
This lump can develop into carcinoma verukosa.
One lump or protrusion on the gums is not something that makes us wary.
If the cause is not a periodontal abscess or dental abscesses, may be a non-cancerous growth that is caused by irritation.
Non-cancerous growth is relatively common and, if necessary, usually easily removed through pembdahan.
In 10-40% of patients, non-cancerous growth occurs repeatedly because the irritation continues.
If irritation is causing the false teeth that are less precise location, it must be repaired or replaced.
Lips (especially the lower lip), is the scene of the damage due to sunlight (keilosis aktinik), so that the lips look chapped and red, white or a mixture of red and white.
To determine whether these spots are malignant or not, can do a biopsy.
Cancer in the outer lip is more common in hot climates.
Cancer on the lips or other parts of the mouth often feels hard like a rock and stuck to the underlying tissues, whereas the non-cancerous lumps in this area can be driven.
Abnormalities in the upper lip is less common than the lower lip, but more likely to be malignant and require medical attention.
In tobacco chewers or exploiters, white lumps can grow inside the mouth.
This lump can grow into verukosa carcinoma.
Saliva Glands
Salivary gland tumors may be benign and malignant.
Tumors can occur in one of the three pairs of major salivary glands:
- Parotid gland (at the edge of the face, in front of the ear)
- Submandibuler glands (under the edge of the jaw)
- Sublingual gland (at the bottom of the mouth, in front of the tongue).
Tumors can also occur in minor salivary glands spread over most of the mouth mucosa.
Growth in the early stages may not be painful.
Malignant tumors tend to grow fast and hard palpable.
Various types of non-cancerous cysts cause pain and swelling of the jaw.
These cysts often grow on the side of teeth undergoing wisdom tooth impaksi (stuck in the jaw that can not grow out) and although not malignant, cysts can destroy some jaw bone area.
Certain cyst types tend to be recurrent.
Odontoma a non-cancerous growth of cells forming the teeth that looked like a small tooth with a changed form.
Odontoma can take the place of the normal teething or hinder the normal dentition, so often removed surgically.
Jaw cancer often causes pain and numbness.
X-rays are not always able to distinguish cancer from cysts, bone growth of non-cancer or cancer that has spread from elsewhere in the body.
X-rays usually show an irregular periphery of jaw cancer and may indicate that the cancer has undermined the roots of nearby teeth.
Biopsy performed to confirm the diagnosis of cancer jaw
Avoiding sunlight reduces the risk of lip cancer.
Avoiding alcohol and tobacco excess, can prevent almost all oral cancers.
Another prevention is to refine the edge of a broken tooth or a patch.
Anti-oxidant vitamins (vitamins C and E, beta-carotene) providing additional protection.
If the damage due to sunlight on a wide lip area, lip shaving can be done, where the outer layer all over the lip removed, either surgically or with lasers, to prevent the development of cancer.
Successful treatment of cancer of the mouth and lips is very dependent on how far the cancer has developed.
Oral cancers rarely spread to distant areas of the body but tends to infiltrate into the head and neck.
If all the cancer and normal tissue around the cancer removed before the cancer spread to the lymph nodes, the high recovery rate.
If the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, rare healing.
At surgery, in addition to lifting the cancer in the mouth, also raised the lymph nodes under and behind the jaw and along the neck.
Patients with cancer of the mouth or throat can undergo radiation therapy and surgery or radiation only just.
Radiation therapy often damage the salivary glands and cause a dry mouth sufferers, which can lead to kavitasi (dental caries) and other dental problems.
Jaw bone exposed to radiation which would not heal properly, because it treated dental problems prior to radiation therapy
Teeth that allegedly would cause problems, it should be revoked.
Teeth and mouth hygiene is very important for patients who have undergone radiation therapy for cancer of the mouth.
Profits resulting from chemotherapy is very limited.
The main therapy is surgical and radiation
Cancer originating from the mouth or the network layer is called surface carcinoma, a cancer that originated from a deeper jariangan called sarkoma.Meskipun rare, cancer is found in the mouth can come from other parts of the body, particularly lung, breast and prostat.Kanker with diameters of less than 1 cm can usually be treated easily.
But most cancers are not diagnosed until the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes jaw and neck.
Since the late discovery of this cancer, then 25% of oral cancers are fatal
Highest risk was found in drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco.
Approximately two-thirds of oral cancers occur in men.
Cigarette smoking are more likely to cause mouth cancer than smoking cigars or through pipes.
Stains smokers (the flat brown spots) can occur on the side where a cigarette or pipe is usually placed on the lips.
With a biopsy, can be known whether these spots are malignant or not.
Repeated irritation due to the sharp edge of broken teeth, fillings or dentures can be an additional risk for cancer of the mouth.
People who have suffered from mouth cancer have a higher risk for other cancers
Most oral cancers occur on the edge of the tongue, floor of the mouth and soft palate (the back of the roof of the mouth).
Cancer of the tongue and floor of the mouth is usually a squamous cell carcinoma.
Kaposi's sarcoma is a cancer of the blood vessels near the skin.
Kaposi's sarcoma is often found in the mouth (usually on the palate) people with AIDS.
In people who chew tobacco and inhalation of tobacco, the inside of the cheeks and lips are often found where cancer.
This cancer is carcinomas verukosa slow growth.
Melanoma is a cancer that usually occurs in the skin, and more rarely occurs in the mouth.
An area in the mouth that turn into brown or darker than normal may be a melanoma and should be sent to the doctor or dentist.
Melanoma should be distinguished from normal areas berpigmentasi found in the mouth, which often occurs in some families, and especially in the Mediterranean people and blacks.
In the early stages, tongue cancer did not cause pain and are usually found on routine dental examination.
Cancer usually grows at the edge of the tongue.
Almost never at the base of the tongue except the person who had suffered from untreated syphilis for several years.
Squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue often looks like an open wound (ulcer) and tend to grow into the tissue beneath.
Eritroplakia (red areas in the mouth) is a sign of cancer.
Someone with eritroplakia on the edge of his tongue should immediately went to the doctor or dentist.
Basic Mouth
In the early stages, the cancer floor of the mouth does not cause pain and are usually found on routine dental examination.
Floor of the mouth cancer is usually a squamous cell carcinoma, which looks like an open wound and tend to grow into the structure beneath.
Anyone who has a reddish spots (eritroplakia) at the bottom of his mouth, should immediately see a doctor or dentist because it could be an indication of the existence of cancer.
Soft palate
Cancer in the soft palate can be a squamous cell carcinoma or cancer that begins in the small salivary glands in the soft palate.
Squamous cell carcinoma often looks like an open wound.
Cancer that begins in the small salivary glands usually appear as small swellings.
Mouth coating
If the inner layer of moist mouth (mouth mucosa) become irritated for a long time, can form a flat white patches (leukoplakia).
Tersebit white spots because it is a thickening of the keratin layer, the material covering the outer layer of the skin and in normal circumstances there is in the amount not too much in the mouth mucosa.
Unlike the other white spots in mouth (because of a buildup of food, bacteria or fungi), leukoplakia can not be cleaned.
Most of leukoplakia is a response of protection against further injury.
But in the process of formation of this protective cover, some cells can become malignant.
Conversely, eritroplakia (reddish patches in the mouth) is the result of depletion of mucous membranes.
The area was flushed from the capillaries (small blood vessels) in the bottom more easily visible.
Eritroplakia more a sign of cancer worse than leukoplakia.
Someone with red spots on the mouth should immediately see a doctor or dentist.
Ulcer is a hole formed in the mucosa when the top layer of mucosal cells were destroyed and damaged, so the tissue underneath looks.
An ulcer was white because of the cells that die in the pit.
Frequent mouth ulcers due to injury or irritation of the network, for example, if accidental inside of his cheek bitten or scratched.
Other causes are thrush and irritant substances, such as aspirin which is inhaled in the gums.
Benign ulcer is always painful.
An ulcer that does not feel sick and stayed for more than 10 days may be pre-cancerous or cancerous and should be immediately examined by a doctor or dentist.
In someone who has a habit of chewing tobacco or sucking tobacco, white bumps can occur on the inner cheek.
This lump can develop into carcinoma verukosa.
One lump or protrusion on the gums is not something that makes us wary.
If the cause is not a periodontal abscess or dental abscesses, may be a non-cancerous growth that is caused by irritation.
Non-cancerous growth is relatively common and, if necessary, usually easily removed through pembdahan.
In 10-40% of patients, non-cancerous growth occurs repeatedly because the irritation continues.
If irritation is causing the false teeth that are less precise location, it must be repaired or replaced.
Lips (especially the lower lip), is the scene of the damage due to sunlight (keilosis aktinik), so that the lips look chapped and red, white or a mixture of red and white.
To determine whether these spots are malignant or not, can do a biopsy.
Cancer in the outer lip is more common in hot climates.
Cancer on the lips or other parts of the mouth often feels hard like a rock and stuck to the underlying tissues, whereas the non-cancerous lumps in this area can be driven.
Abnormalities in the upper lip is less common than the lower lip, but more likely to be malignant and require medical attention.
In tobacco chewers or exploiters, white lumps can grow inside the mouth.
This lump can grow into verukosa carcinoma.
Saliva Glands
Salivary gland tumors may be benign and malignant.
Tumors can occur in one of the three pairs of major salivary glands:
- Parotid gland (at the edge of the face, in front of the ear)
- Submandibuler glands (under the edge of the jaw)
- Sublingual gland (at the bottom of the mouth, in front of the tongue).
Tumors can also occur in minor salivary glands spread over most of the mouth mucosa.
Growth in the early stages may not be painful.
Malignant tumors tend to grow fast and hard palpable.
Various types of non-cancerous cysts cause pain and swelling of the jaw.
These cysts often grow on the side of teeth undergoing wisdom tooth impaksi (stuck in the jaw that can not grow out) and although not malignant, cysts can destroy some jaw bone area.
Certain cyst types tend to be recurrent.
Odontoma a non-cancerous growth of cells forming the teeth that looked like a small tooth with a changed form.
Odontoma can take the place of the normal teething or hinder the normal dentition, so often removed surgically.
Jaw cancer often causes pain and numbness.
X-rays are not always able to distinguish cancer from cysts, bone growth of non-cancer or cancer that has spread from elsewhere in the body.
X-rays usually show an irregular periphery of jaw cancer and may indicate that the cancer has undermined the roots of nearby teeth.
Biopsy performed to confirm the diagnosis of cancer jaw
Avoiding sunlight reduces the risk of lip cancer.
Avoiding alcohol and tobacco excess, can prevent almost all oral cancers.
Another prevention is to refine the edge of a broken tooth or a patch.
Anti-oxidant vitamins (vitamins C and E, beta-carotene) providing additional protection.
If the damage due to sunlight on a wide lip area, lip shaving can be done, where the outer layer all over the lip removed, either surgically or with lasers, to prevent the development of cancer.
Successful treatment of cancer of the mouth and lips is very dependent on how far the cancer has developed.
Oral cancers rarely spread to distant areas of the body but tends to infiltrate into the head and neck.
If all the cancer and normal tissue around the cancer removed before the cancer spread to the lymph nodes, the high recovery rate.
If the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, rare healing.
At surgery, in addition to lifting the cancer in the mouth, also raised the lymph nodes under and behind the jaw and along the neck.
Patients with cancer of the mouth or throat can undergo radiation therapy and surgery or radiation only just.
Radiation therapy often damage the salivary glands and cause a dry mouth sufferers, which can lead to kavitasi (dental caries) and other dental problems.
Jaw bone exposed to radiation which would not heal properly, because it treated dental problems prior to radiation therapy
Teeth that allegedly would cause problems, it should be revoked.
Teeth and mouth hygiene is very important for patients who have undergone radiation therapy for cancer of the mouth.
Profits resulting from chemotherapy is very limited.
The main therapy is surgical and radiation
Minggu, 22 November 2009
Stroke is a condition that occurs when blood supply to a part of the brain was suddenly interrupted. In brain tissue, lack of blood flow causes a series of bio-chemical reactions, which can damage or kill brain cells. The death of brain tissue can cause loss of function that is controlled by the network. Stroke is the third leading cause of death in the United States and many industrialized countries in Europe (Jauch, 2005). If you can be saved, sometimes the patient experienced paralysis in his limbs, loss of memory or verbal skills. To underline the seriousness of this stroke, recent years have been increasingly popular term brain attack. This term is in keeping with the terms already known, "heart attack". stroke occurs due to blocked blood vessels branch by embolism. embolism can be a cholesterol or may be air
Stroke was divided into two types of ischemic stroke and stroke hemorragik. In ischemic stroke, blood flow to the brain stops because atherosclerosis (cholesterol buildup in blood vessel walls) or a blood clot that has clogged the blood vessels to the brain. Most of the patients or 83% experienced this type of stroke.
In hemorragik stroke, broken blood vessels that block normal blood flow and blood seeped into an area in the brain and damage it. Nearly 70 percent of cases of Acute hemorrhagic stroke occurs in hypertension.
In ischemic stroke, blockage can occur along the arterial route leading to the brain. Blood to the brain is supplied by two arteria the internal carotid and two vertebral arteries. These arteries are branches of the aortic arch heart.
An atheroma (fatty deposits) may form in the carotid arteries causing reduced blood flow. This situation is very serious because each carotid artery normally provides blood to most of the brain. Fat deposition could also separated from the artery walls and flows in the blood, clogging arteries and smaller.
Carotid arteries and the vertebral artery and its ramifications could be blocked due to blood clots that come from elsewhere, such as the heart or a valve. This kind of stroke called a cerebral embolism (embolism = occlusion, cerebral blood vessels of the brain =) The most frequently occurs in patients who had heart surgery and people with heart valve abnormalities or heart rhythm disturbances (especially atrial fibrillation).
Fat emboli rarely cause stroke. Fat emboli formed when fat from a broken bone marrow released into the bloodstream and eventually joined in an artery.
Stroke can also occur when an infection causes inflammation or narrowing of blood vessels leading to the brain. The drugs (eg cocaine and amphetamines) can also narrow the blood vessels in the brain and cause stroke.
Blood pressure drops suddenly can cause reduced blood flow to the brain, which usually causes a person to faint. Stroke can occur if the low blood pressure is very heavy and chronic. This happens if one gets a lot of blood loss due to injury or surgery, heart attack or abnormal heart rhythms.
Stroke was divided into two types of ischemic stroke and stroke hemorragik. In ischemic stroke, blood flow to the brain stops because atherosclerosis (cholesterol buildup in blood vessel walls) or a blood clot that has clogged the blood vessels to the brain. Most of the patients or 83% experienced this type of stroke.
In hemorragik stroke, broken blood vessels that block normal blood flow and blood seeped into an area in the brain and damage it. Nearly 70 percent of cases of Acute hemorrhagic stroke occurs in hypertension.
In ischemic stroke, blockage can occur along the arterial route leading to the brain. Blood to the brain is supplied by two arteria the internal carotid and two vertebral arteries. These arteries are branches of the aortic arch heart.
An atheroma (fatty deposits) may form in the carotid arteries causing reduced blood flow. This situation is very serious because each carotid artery normally provides blood to most of the brain. Fat deposition could also separated from the artery walls and flows in the blood, clogging arteries and smaller.
Carotid arteries and the vertebral artery and its ramifications could be blocked due to blood clots that come from elsewhere, such as the heart or a valve. This kind of stroke called a cerebral embolism (embolism = occlusion, cerebral blood vessels of the brain =) The most frequently occurs in patients who had heart surgery and people with heart valve abnormalities or heart rhythm disturbances (especially atrial fibrillation).
Fat emboli rarely cause stroke. Fat emboli formed when fat from a broken bone marrow released into the bloodstream and eventually joined in an artery.
Stroke can also occur when an infection causes inflammation or narrowing of blood vessels leading to the brain. The drugs (eg cocaine and amphetamines) can also narrow the blood vessels in the brain and cause stroke.
Blood pressure drops suddenly can cause reduced blood flow to the brain, which usually causes a person to faint. Stroke can occur if the low blood pressure is very heavy and chronic. This happens if one gets a lot of blood loss due to injury or surgery, heart attack or abnormal heart rhythms.
Sabtu, 21 November 2009
Coronary Heart Disease
Coronary heart disease is one of the most feared killers in the world.
This disease is usually experienced by people berusian productive and sudden attacks to cause death.
A. The symptoms of coronary heart disease
1. Chest pain and pressure
2. Prolonged headaches
3. Feeling her body on fire for no apparent reason
4. Complaint occurred around the chest and neck bones
5. But most people who suffer from coronary heart disease do not experience some of the symptoms above. All of a sudden heart trouble and the person in chronic conditions.
B. Causes of Coronary Heart
The disease is caused by the narrowing and blockages in coronary arteries. This is caused by the buildup of fatty substances (cholesterol, triglycerides) in the artery wall bottom (endothelium).
After the fat accumulated, blood flow will be blocked and unable to affect the heart so the heart in pumping blood. Most felt the effect was the loss of oxygen and nutrients to the heart because blood flow to the heart decreases.
C. The things that trigger coronary heart disease:
1. Smoking in greater numbers and for many years
2. Consumption of fatty foods or high cholesterol
3. Hypertension who has suffered
4. Diabetes mellitus is also provoke coronary heart disease
5. Obesity
6. Lack of activity and exercise
7. Drink alcohol
8. Drug abuse (drug)
D. The facts about coronary heart disease
1. Coronary heart disease is the number one killer disease in the United States who attacked both men and women
2. Every year in the U.S., more than half a million people died of coronary heart disease
3. Deaths from coronary heart disease can be prevented because it related to lifestyle. If the public good and ensure a healthy life free of coronary heart disease
4. Treatment for patients with coronary heart disease takes a very long time and continuous.
E. Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease
1. Balanced lifestyle and avoid the risk of stress is necessary for a person not affected by coronary heart disease.
2. Eating healthy foods and high in fiber. Reduce fatty foods and high cholesterol to prevent obesity.
3. Immediately stop smoking. Smoking causes reduced elasticity of blood vessels thus increasing the hardening of blood vessels that trigger stroke arterin.
4. Reduce or avoid alcoholic beverages
5. Regular exercise
6. Avoid using drugs
F. Tests to determine whether a person has coronary heart disease
There is no definitive measure to determine coronary heart disease. But following several types of tests can provide a picture if someone is suffering from coronary heart disease
1. Electrocardiogram
2. Stress test
3. Nuclear scanning
4. Coronary angigraphy
G. Some plant species that can prevent and deal with coronary heart disease:
1. God corolla
2. Noni
3. Garlic
4. Black ear BaJamur
5. RBunga roses
6. Siantan
This disease is usually experienced by people berusian productive and sudden attacks to cause death.
A. The symptoms of coronary heart disease
1. Chest pain and pressure
2. Prolonged headaches
3. Feeling her body on fire for no apparent reason
4. Complaint occurred around the chest and neck bones
5. But most people who suffer from coronary heart disease do not experience some of the symptoms above. All of a sudden heart trouble and the person in chronic conditions.
B. Causes of Coronary Heart
The disease is caused by the narrowing and blockages in coronary arteries. This is caused by the buildup of fatty substances (cholesterol, triglycerides) in the artery wall bottom (endothelium).
After the fat accumulated, blood flow will be blocked and unable to affect the heart so the heart in pumping blood. Most felt the effect was the loss of oxygen and nutrients to the heart because blood flow to the heart decreases.
C. The things that trigger coronary heart disease:
1. Smoking in greater numbers and for many years
2. Consumption of fatty foods or high cholesterol
3. Hypertension who has suffered
4. Diabetes mellitus is also provoke coronary heart disease
5. Obesity
6. Lack of activity and exercise
7. Drink alcohol
8. Drug abuse (drug)
D. The facts about coronary heart disease
1. Coronary heart disease is the number one killer disease in the United States who attacked both men and women
2. Every year in the U.S., more than half a million people died of coronary heart disease
3. Deaths from coronary heart disease can be prevented because it related to lifestyle. If the public good and ensure a healthy life free of coronary heart disease
4. Treatment for patients with coronary heart disease takes a very long time and continuous.
E. Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease
1. Balanced lifestyle and avoid the risk of stress is necessary for a person not affected by coronary heart disease.
2. Eating healthy foods and high in fiber. Reduce fatty foods and high cholesterol to prevent obesity.
3. Immediately stop smoking. Smoking causes reduced elasticity of blood vessels thus increasing the hardening of blood vessels that trigger stroke arterin.
4. Reduce or avoid alcoholic beverages
5. Regular exercise
6. Avoid using drugs
F. Tests to determine whether a person has coronary heart disease
There is no definitive measure to determine coronary heart disease. But following several types of tests can provide a picture if someone is suffering from coronary heart disease
1. Electrocardiogram
2. Stress test
3. Nuclear scanning
4. Coronary angigraphy
G. Some plant species that can prevent and deal with coronary heart disease:
1. God corolla
2. Noni
3. Garlic
4. Black ear BaJamur
5. RBunga roses
6. Siantan
Jumat, 20 November 2009
Carbon Monoxide
Carbon monoxide, chemical formula CO, is a colorless gas, odorless, and tasteless. It consists of one carbon atom is covalently bonded to one oxygen atom. In this bond, there are two covalent bonds and a coordinate covalent bond between carbon and oxygen atoms.
Carbon monoxide is produced from incomplete combustion of carbon compounds, often occurs in internal combustion engines. Carbon monoxide is formed when there is lack of oxygen in the combustion process. Carbon dioxide is flammable and produces a blue flame, producing carbon dioxide. Although he is a poison, CO plays an important role in modern technology, which is the precursor of many carbon compounds.
Carbon monoxide is a very important compound, so many methods have been developed for production. [1]
Producer gas formed by burning carbon in oxygen at high temperatures when there is excess carbon. In an oven, the air flow through the coke. The first CO2 produced will have an equilibrium with the hot carbon, producing CO. O2 reaction with carbon to form CO called Boudouard equilibrium. Above 800 ° C, CO is the predominant product:
O2 + 2 C → 2 CO
ΔH = -221 kJ / mol
The disadvantage of this method is if done with air, he would leave the mixture consisting of nitrogen.
Synthetic gas or water gas is produced via the endothermic reaction of water vapor and carbon:
H2O + C → H2 + CO
ΔH = 131 kJ / mol
CO is also a byproduct of the reduction of metal oxide ores with carbon:
MO + C → M + CO
ΔH = 131 kJ / mol
Because CO is a gas, the reduction process can be accelerated by heating. Ellingham diagram shows that CO formation is favored than CO2 at high temperatures.
CO is the anhydride of formic acid. Therefore, it is practical to produce CO from formic acid dehydration. Production of CO in other laboratory scale by heating a mixture of zinc powder and calcium carbonate.
Zn + ZnO + CaCO3 → CaO + CO
Another laboratory method is by reacting sucrose with sodium hydroxide in a closed system.
Carbon monoxide is produced from incomplete combustion of carbon compounds, often occurs in internal combustion engines. Carbon monoxide is formed when there is lack of oxygen in the combustion process. Carbon dioxide is flammable and produces a blue flame, producing carbon dioxide. Although he is a poison, CO plays an important role in modern technology, which is the precursor of many carbon compounds.
Carbon monoxide is a very important compound, so many methods have been developed for production. [1]
Producer gas formed by burning carbon in oxygen at high temperatures when there is excess carbon. In an oven, the air flow through the coke. The first CO2 produced will have an equilibrium with the hot carbon, producing CO. O2 reaction with carbon to form CO called Boudouard equilibrium. Above 800 ° C, CO is the predominant product:
O2 + 2 C → 2 CO
ΔH = -221 kJ / mol
The disadvantage of this method is if done with air, he would leave the mixture consisting of nitrogen.
Synthetic gas or water gas is produced via the endothermic reaction of water vapor and carbon:
H2O + C → H2 + CO
ΔH = 131 kJ / mol
CO is also a byproduct of the reduction of metal oxide ores with carbon:
MO + C → M + CO
ΔH = 131 kJ / mol
Because CO is a gas, the reduction process can be accelerated by heating. Ellingham diagram shows that CO formation is favored than CO2 at high temperatures.
CO is the anhydride of formic acid. Therefore, it is practical to produce CO from formic acid dehydration. Production of CO in other laboratory scale by heating a mixture of zinc powder and calcium carbonate.
Zn + ZnO + CaCO3 → CaO + CO
Another laboratory method is by reacting sucrose with sodium hydroxide in a closed system.
Kamis, 19 November 2009
Heart Rate
Adult heart in one minute is usually beats 70 times. If we stick our chest stethoscope to the left then we will listen to our own heartbeat. The sound is the sound of heart beats when the heart valves closing. Heart valve-shaped tissue is strong and thin layer attached to the heart muscle. The number of human heart valves have 4 pieces.
If your heart rate less than 40 but you are in good health, then you likely have a big heart can pump blood more than normal people who often found in sports athletes.
If your heart rate less than 40 but you are in good health, then you likely have a big heart can pump blood more than normal people who often found in sports athletes.
Rabu, 18 November 2009
Stop Smoking Benefits
Within 20 minutes after you quit smoking with the last cigarette, your body will start a series of changes that take place within a few years. The following article will show a series or a series of changes in you after you quit smoking.
1. 20 minutes after quitting smoking, the number of heart rate you will decrease.
2. 12 hours after quitting smoking, pregnancy or chemical levels of carbon monoxide in the blood will be decreased to normal levels into.
3. 2 weeks - 3 months after quitting smoking, began to decrease the risk of heart and lung function begins to improve.
4. 1 to 9 months after quitting smoking you will experience a decrease in cough and shortness of breath.
5. 1 year after quitting smoking, increase the risk of coronary heart disease is half of that possessed by the smoker.
6. 5 years after quitting smoking, the risk of stroke disease is reduced by a nonsmokers 5-15 years after quitting smoking.
7. 10 years after quitting smoking, death rates for lung cancer at yourself in half of the smokers., Decreasing the risk of mouth cancer, esophageal cancer (esophagus), neck cancer, bladder (bladder), kidney and pancreas.
8. 15 years after quitting smoking, the risk of coronary heart disease return to normal until such risk is a non-smoker.
For more certainty, compare yourself with a cigarette addicts ... ... ..
1. Reduced risk of stroke up to like a man who never smoked after 5 - 15 years not smoking.
2. Mouth cancer, esophageal cancer (esophagus), cervical cancer in half after 5 years of quitting smoking.
3. The reduced risk of cancer in the larynx after quitting smoking.
4. The reduced risk of death from lung disease due to chronic occlusion (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) after cessation decreases the risk of lung cancer by as much as half 10 years after quitting smoking.
5. Risk of ulceration / ulcers in the lungs decreases.
6. Risk of bladder cancer decreased.
7. The decline in peripheral arterial disease in (the bank) after quitting smoking.
8. Decreased risk of cervical cancer after quitting smoking.
9. Risk of birth with low body weight decreased to normal even if you quit smoking before pregnancy or while still in the first trimester of pregnancy.
1. 20 minutes after quitting smoking, the number of heart rate you will decrease.
2. 12 hours after quitting smoking, pregnancy or chemical levels of carbon monoxide in the blood will be decreased to normal levels into.
3. 2 weeks - 3 months after quitting smoking, began to decrease the risk of heart and lung function begins to improve.
4. 1 to 9 months after quitting smoking you will experience a decrease in cough and shortness of breath.
5. 1 year after quitting smoking, increase the risk of coronary heart disease is half of that possessed by the smoker.
6. 5 years after quitting smoking, the risk of stroke disease is reduced by a nonsmokers 5-15 years after quitting smoking.
7. 10 years after quitting smoking, death rates for lung cancer at yourself in half of the smokers., Decreasing the risk of mouth cancer, esophageal cancer (esophagus), neck cancer, bladder (bladder), kidney and pancreas.
8. 15 years after quitting smoking, the risk of coronary heart disease return to normal until such risk is a non-smoker.
For more certainty, compare yourself with a cigarette addicts ... ... ..
1. Reduced risk of stroke up to like a man who never smoked after 5 - 15 years not smoking.
2. Mouth cancer, esophageal cancer (esophagus), cervical cancer in half after 5 years of quitting smoking.
3. The reduced risk of cancer in the larynx after quitting smoking.
4. The reduced risk of death from lung disease due to chronic occlusion (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) after cessation decreases the risk of lung cancer by as much as half 10 years after quitting smoking.
5. Risk of ulceration / ulcers in the lungs decreases.
6. Risk of bladder cancer decreased.
7. The decline in peripheral arterial disease in (the bank) after quitting smoking.
8. Decreased risk of cervical cancer after quitting smoking.
9. Risk of birth with low body weight decreased to normal even if you quit smoking before pregnancy or while still in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Selasa, 17 November 2009
Channel epithelium malfunction Breath Causes Allergies
Group of researchers from Helsinki University and Helsinki University Central Hospital in collaboration with Findlandia research group, conducted a study to clarify what happened to ygn epithelium, immediately after exposure to allergens and before the onset of allergic reactions.
The research team is using the exposure to pollen allergens (pollen pollen (birch (Bet v1) and show that these allergens are bound, in and browse through the conjunctiva and the nasal epithelium of patients within 1 minute after exposure, but this does not occur in healthy subjects .
In this study more clearly seen that during the spring, in patients allergic, pollen allergens were hundreds of genes changed expression in nasal epithelium, compared to samples taken in winter. Some of these genes associated with transport and regulatory proteins Cytoskeleton. An amazing discovery is that the immune response in healthy control group on exposure to pollen allergens is a strong character and hundreds of genes changed expression during the winter and spring. However, most of these genes associated with immune response functions.
Professor Risto Renkonen who led the study stated that they were not able to explain the mechanism of how the birch pollen allergen bet v1 browse through the epithelium in allergic patients, but not in subjects healthy.
Such transport mechanisms are also used by a variety of bakery and virus attacks when merke epithelium and infect the patient.
In this study used a systematic approach to biological and acquired data simultaneously through a variety of different methods and included in the massive data stored to allow analysis of the role of various proteins and tissues in the pathogenesis of allergic reactions.
Reductionistic analysis, such as those focused only on one or a few molecules gradually replaced by a systematic approach. The ability to find new mechanisms relevant etiologik, is the main motivation for exploration without bias.
Experimental losses are the top-down is that this method requires very expensive, However the yield more than the raw data-based approach to generate hypotheses that can be very much data.
Senin, 16 November 2009
Cervical Cancer
Heredity is the desire of each family. But often we blame other factors are the cause, for example: The husband is often out of pocket, tired body condition due to work every day, sperm or eggs are not fertile, and so forth.
If we go back to 25 or 30 years ago, we rarely hear of women who had cancer of the cervix (neck of the uterus) or breast cancer or disease that horrible disease other women.
Earlier times women did not know the pads. They use a cloth or small towel when they were having menstrual periods. Nowadays, no modern woman who does not know any pads.
Did you know, in Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam and developing countries more, the producers use paper or sawdust used in the recycling of used materials for dressings. They also use bleaching (bleach) to whiten the materials.
Whereas in bleaching materials that contain dioxin are very dangerous and can cause various diseases such as cancer Uterus, Breast Cancer, Cysts, Myom and many others.
Outside the country (developed countries) while the dressings are produced from cotton (not from the material used), they (producers) shall include on the packaging that is free of Sanitary Chlorin. Unfortunately this has not become an obligation for producers in developing countries.
So after a long usage (teen years) before the women feel the diseases. Starting from the whitish, yellowish, the difficulty of getting descent, cyst, Myom, even a deadly cancer.
I urge the young mothers, realize your health. Keep your crown. Because what good is a pretty face, out of money for hundreds of thousands of faces, but ignored the Crown health
If we go back to 25 or 30 years ago, we rarely hear of women who had cancer of the cervix (neck of the uterus) or breast cancer or disease that horrible disease other women.
Earlier times women did not know the pads. They use a cloth or small towel when they were having menstrual periods. Nowadays, no modern woman who does not know any pads.
Whereas in bleaching materials that contain dioxin are very dangerous and can cause various diseases such as cancer Uterus, Breast Cancer, Cysts, Myom and many others.
Outside the country (developed countries) while the dressings are produced from cotton (not from the material used), they (producers) shall include on the packaging that is free of Sanitary Chlorin. Unfortunately this has not become an obligation for producers in developing countries.
So after a long usage (teen years) before the women feel the diseases. Starting from the whitish, yellowish, the difficulty of getting descent, cyst, Myom, even a deadly cancer.
I urge the young mothers, realize your health. Keep your crown. Because what good is a pretty face, out of money for hundreds of thousands of faces, but ignored the Crown health
Minggu, 15 November 2009
Keeping Ears To Stay Healthy
Do not regard lightly the ear care. One-one actually cause problems.
Because not know, we often clean the ears of children at random. In fact, as described Prof. Dr. Noerbaiti from the ENT, RS Pondok Indah Jakarta, ears have parts that must be treated very carefully.
Outer ear consists of ear drum to the membrane. The middle ear consists of the drum membrane to limit the brain, and consists of the inner ear hearing devices and equipment balance. In this outer ear together the oil glands and sweat glands. Ears like the grime dirt that often appear in this area of oil actually produced these glands. Function block animals, like insects trying to enter into the ear.
Ear dirt will come out by itself thanks to encouragement mechanism when the child's cheek muscles to chew food. Estuary of the dirt that is earlobe, so we do not need to risk stirring up a child's ear to the middle and deep. "Just looking at the eye alone," said Noerbaiti.
One of the habits of what we often do is to scrape the inside of his ears with cotton buds or "metal" which ends concave like a spoon. According Noerbaiti, "Liang inner ear may only be cleaned with special instruments that can play and be done by experts. The use of cotton buds instead pushing the dirt further into the ear into the back."
Discharge, he continued, it was trapped in the form of hollow ear hole like the letter S. As a result, the dirt can not get out himself and the sediment in the ear canal will be hardened and petrified.
On the other hand, we also recognize the disease called congek ear. Symptoms, from the ear, precisely from the membrane is perforated eardrum, fluid out. "The hole could be caused by anything. Usually due to various complications from the nose and throat."
In between the ears, nose, and throat, explained Noerbaiti, there is a channel that connects all three. Channel that connects the nose to the ear serves to keep the air pressure in the middle ear to be equal to the outer ear. When children got the flu or a cold, the channel that connects the ear and nose may be blocked, causing a runny nose fluid pain. In addition, the blockage causes the air pressure difference in the middle ear and the outside.
Like a well, this pressure difference will form a vacuum that can "pump" fluid out through the ears snot. "This is called congek. At first that came out only clear liquids only, but for long thickened, pus, and smell." Furthermore, due to the pressure difference, can cause congek membrane jebolnya drum and cause the risk of infection 2, ie from the outside and inside.
That from within, for example occurs when a child suffering from flu / cold. Liquid snot from the nose into the channel associated with the ear, causing middle ear infections. "If allowed, would spread to the lining of the brain and can cause death." Therefore, watch out when the flu / colds come because it can cause further complications to the ear even to the brain. Flu / cold should only be treated myself for 3 days. More than that if not improve, immediately take the child to the doctor because of fear caused by a series of effects this disease can be very long.
If the ears take in a foreign object, no first aid that can be done at home. "Precisely the wrong treatment will bring consequences even worse. Do not try to remove the object had scraped-way match. Immediately bring to the ENT doctor." The following foreign objects into the usual ear:
* Water
When bathing or swimming, the water often came into the child's ear. During his ears clean, the water will automatically exit itself. But if there is dirt inside the ear, the water will make it expand so it can not get out. ENT doctor immediately to clean up the existing ear.
* Ants
When the ear to take in the ant, means there is something wrong with the inner ear. In principle, the ears have their own mechanisms that can inhibit an animal like an ant to not go into.
* Cotton buds
Cotton buds are not medically advisable to prying ears, though there are still uses it. In addition to cotton is left in the ear, the other danger is that it can pierce the lining of the drum when not in use it cautiously. There is a case, a mother's ear clean off her new 7-day-old with cotton buds. Instead of being clean, even the baby's ears bleed.
In adults, the length of this hole 3 cm, while the baby is only 1.5 cm. Therefore, be careful. If the cotton is left in the ear, immediately take your child to the ENT doctor and do not scrape themselves to the cotton issue.
* Small objects
Young children often do not accidentally put something in his ear. For example, a toy bead. If there is, immediately take it to the ENT doctor. Do not try it out myself, because it could cause new problems. In the practice, physicians have a special tool to remove the object.
How to Maintain Ear Health
This is the points which is important to note Noerbaiti in maintaining healthy ears.
1. Do not dredge up the ears. Both with cotton buds or other objects.
2. Familiarize the child to chew food properly because chewing is the body's natural mechanism to remove debris from the ear.
3. In infants, this mechanism has also been done, that is when the baby sucks the nipple or pacifier.
4. When the ear was reduced hearing, immediately to the ENT doctor to be cleaned.
5. The ears have their own mechanisms to prevent and remove foreign objects inside. If this does not happen, then there is something wrong with my ears. Immediately consult ENT doctor to find the cause.
6. Keep the cotton buds from the reach of children. They do not know the dangers. In addition to cotton is left in the ear, if not heart-hatimenggunakannya, could pierce and tear the lining of the drum.
Because not know, we often clean the ears of children at random. In fact, as described Prof. Dr. Noerbaiti from the ENT, RS Pondok Indah Jakarta, ears have parts that must be treated very carefully.
Outer ear consists of ear drum to the membrane. The middle ear consists of the drum membrane to limit the brain, and consists of the inner ear hearing devices and equipment balance. In this outer ear together the oil glands and sweat glands. Ears like the grime dirt that often appear in this area of oil actually produced these glands. Function block animals, like insects trying to enter into the ear.
Ear dirt will come out by itself thanks to encouragement mechanism when the child's cheek muscles to chew food. Estuary of the dirt that is earlobe, so we do not need to risk stirring up a child's ear to the middle and deep. "Just looking at the eye alone," said Noerbaiti.
One of the habits of what we often do is to scrape the inside of his ears with cotton buds or "metal" which ends concave like a spoon. According Noerbaiti, "Liang inner ear may only be cleaned with special instruments that can play and be done by experts. The use of cotton buds instead pushing the dirt further into the ear into the back."
Discharge, he continued, it was trapped in the form of hollow ear hole like the letter S. As a result, the dirt can not get out himself and the sediment in the ear canal will be hardened and petrified.
On the other hand, we also recognize the disease called congek ear. Symptoms, from the ear, precisely from the membrane is perforated eardrum, fluid out. "The hole could be caused by anything. Usually due to various complications from the nose and throat."
In between the ears, nose, and throat, explained Noerbaiti, there is a channel that connects all three. Channel that connects the nose to the ear serves to keep the air pressure in the middle ear to be equal to the outer ear. When children got the flu or a cold, the channel that connects the ear and nose may be blocked, causing a runny nose fluid pain. In addition, the blockage causes the air pressure difference in the middle ear and the outside.
Like a well, this pressure difference will form a vacuum that can "pump" fluid out through the ears snot. "This is called congek. At first that came out only clear liquids only, but for long thickened, pus, and smell." Furthermore, due to the pressure difference, can cause congek membrane jebolnya drum and cause the risk of infection 2, ie from the outside and inside.
That from within, for example occurs when a child suffering from flu / cold. Liquid snot from the nose into the channel associated with the ear, causing middle ear infections. "If allowed, would spread to the lining of the brain and can cause death." Therefore, watch out when the flu / colds come because it can cause further complications to the ear even to the brain. Flu / cold should only be treated myself for 3 days. More than that if not improve, immediately take the child to the doctor because of fear caused by a series of effects this disease can be very long.
If the ears take in a foreign object, no first aid that can be done at home. "Precisely the wrong treatment will bring consequences even worse. Do not try to remove the object had scraped-way match. Immediately bring to the ENT doctor." The following foreign objects into the usual ear:
* Water
When bathing or swimming, the water often came into the child's ear. During his ears clean, the water will automatically exit itself. But if there is dirt inside the ear, the water will make it expand so it can not get out. ENT doctor immediately to clean up the existing ear.
* Ants
When the ear to take in the ant, means there is something wrong with the inner ear. In principle, the ears have their own mechanisms that can inhibit an animal like an ant to not go into.
* Cotton buds
Cotton buds are not medically advisable to prying ears, though there are still uses it. In addition to cotton is left in the ear, the other danger is that it can pierce the lining of the drum when not in use it cautiously. There is a case, a mother's ear clean off her new 7-day-old with cotton buds. Instead of being clean, even the baby's ears bleed.
In adults, the length of this hole 3 cm, while the baby is only 1.5 cm. Therefore, be careful. If the cotton is left in the ear, immediately take your child to the ENT doctor and do not scrape themselves to the cotton issue.
* Small objects
Young children often do not accidentally put something in his ear. For example, a toy bead. If there is, immediately take it to the ENT doctor. Do not try it out myself, because it could cause new problems. In the practice, physicians have a special tool to remove the object.
How to Maintain Ear Health
This is the points which is important to note Noerbaiti in maintaining healthy ears.
1. Do not dredge up the ears. Both with cotton buds or other objects.
2. Familiarize the child to chew food properly because chewing is the body's natural mechanism to remove debris from the ear.
3. In infants, this mechanism has also been done, that is when the baby sucks the nipple or pacifier.
4. When the ear was reduced hearing, immediately to the ENT doctor to be cleaned.
5. The ears have their own mechanisms to prevent and remove foreign objects inside. If this does not happen, then there is something wrong with my ears. Immediately consult ENT doctor to find the cause.
6. Keep the cotton buds from the reach of children. They do not know the dangers. In addition to cotton is left in the ear, if not heart-hatimenggunakannya, could pierce and tear the lining of the drum.
Sabtu, 14 November 2009
Hair Tips In Maintaining Natural Health
Causes of hair loss
There are many things that can cause hair loss; ranging from stress, smoking, unbalanced nutrition, hormonal factors, various kinds of diseases to genetics. Therefore, medical treatment is too much, depending on the cause. Furthermore the experts add, many natural treatments are beneficial for hair health, including: eating for health, with balanced nutrition
Eating for Health Hair
All the food is good for the body as a whole good for the hair. Among high-protein foods, low carb and low fat. But there are also other substances that are specifically required for healthy hair, namely omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, biotin, and minerals such as iron, zinc, and copper. Lack of one of these substances are often escapes our attention, but in fact play an important role of hair loss.
Every month a woman to menstruate, therefore women are particularly vulnerable to iron deficiency anemia. Studies have iron deficiency is a frequent cause of hair loss in women. Source of iron in the daily diet of vegetables such as green, red meat and liver.
Vitamin B12 comes from eggs, and meat-dagingan. Therefore necessary vitamin B 12 for those who do not eat these foods at the top.
Food supplements are also recommended to consume is biotin. Biotin is often used by doctors for treatment of hair loss, because this substance is the main component of hair growth, skin and nails. We could get a natural biotin from liver or egg yolk, but to provide for a much needed amount. Therefore, so we can consume practically in the form of food supplements.
Herbal Remedy for Hair Loss
We have found the market a lot of herbal ingredients are believed to be useful to treat hair loss. Herbal concoction is very diverse, there are derived from plants native to Indonesia and some from overseas. How to use also varied, there is applied to the scalp, to wash it, and there was a drunk. Examples of herbs that are considered useful are: ginseng, ginger, balsamic vinegar, plant saw palmetto, horsetail, green tea, etc.. Although labeled as natural materials, we need to remain cautious in its use, especially potions to drink. The reason is, there is also the herbal medicine has side effects to the body especially when taken by women who also use contraceptive drugs. Because of that, look what the information content of these herbal potions, and if necessary, consult your doctor.
Herbs are safe to use is green tea. Several studies in Japan showed that drinking green tea can increase certain substances called sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), which inhibits the activity of hormonal triggers hair loss. Also green tea is also useful as an antioxidant and has anti-cancer effects.
Hair Loss and Hair Cosmetic Products
So far, we already know that the use of hair cosmetics like shampoos, hair dyes, and hair dryers can cause damage to the hair. This was true, but the damage is not the same as hair loss due to genetic problems or other medical problems.
Damage caused mainly hair cosmetic hair shaft which is cracked, while the loss due to medical problems caused actual damage to the roots or the hair follicles. The results showed that the use of cosmetics, hair does not increase the risk of hair loss. This means that women with complaints of hair loss should not be afraid to have my hair color even. Balance is important that the intake of nutritious food for healthy hair. Good care for your hair.
Tricks Maintaining Hair Health
1. When you leave the house between the hours of 9 am to 4 pm, wear a hat or umbrella, even though the weather was overcast, because exposure to sunlight remained. If you have to move, choose a shady spot.
2. After swimming in the sea or in the pool, immediately wash your hair. Then after that use a conditioner for chlorine and salt can cause the hair becomes dry or cracked. Try to use leave in conditioner that contains UV absorbers.
3. Change your hair natural moisture is lost by using a hair mask after shampooing, before applying conditioner.
4. After shampooing, use rarely toothed comb to straighten wet hair, comb hair from the tip, slowly rising to the top.
5. Reduce the use of a hair dryer to dry the hair but not when did you have to hurry and had to wear a hair dryer, keep your distance is not too close to the hair.
6. If your hair long, wear with humidity conditioner regularly enough, because the nutritional and moisturizing conditioner can provide the maximum care to the ends of hair.
7. Cut your hair regularly, once every 3 months so that the ends of the hair remain healthy, not branching, cracked or dry.
8. During the summer, hair loss is usually more often. Therefore put on hair loss prevention products. Creambath do in the salon or at your home once a month.
There are many things that can cause hair loss; ranging from stress, smoking, unbalanced nutrition, hormonal factors, various kinds of diseases to genetics. Therefore, medical treatment is too much, depending on the cause. Furthermore the experts add, many natural treatments are beneficial for hair health, including: eating for health, with balanced nutrition
Eating for Health Hair
All the food is good for the body as a whole good for the hair. Among high-protein foods, low carb and low fat. But there are also other substances that are specifically required for healthy hair, namely omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, biotin, and minerals such as iron, zinc, and copper. Lack of one of these substances are often escapes our attention, but in fact play an important role of hair loss.
Every month a woman to menstruate, therefore women are particularly vulnerable to iron deficiency anemia. Studies have iron deficiency is a frequent cause of hair loss in women. Source of iron in the daily diet of vegetables such as green, red meat and liver.
Vitamin B12 comes from eggs, and meat-dagingan. Therefore necessary vitamin B 12 for those who do not eat these foods at the top.
Food supplements are also recommended to consume is biotin. Biotin is often used by doctors for treatment of hair loss, because this substance is the main component of hair growth, skin and nails. We could get a natural biotin from liver or egg yolk, but to provide for a much needed amount. Therefore, so we can consume practically in the form of food supplements.
Herbal Remedy for Hair Loss
We have found the market a lot of herbal ingredients are believed to be useful to treat hair loss. Herbal concoction is very diverse, there are derived from plants native to Indonesia and some from overseas. How to use also varied, there is applied to the scalp, to wash it, and there was a drunk. Examples of herbs that are considered useful are: ginseng, ginger, balsamic vinegar, plant saw palmetto, horsetail, green tea, etc.. Although labeled as natural materials, we need to remain cautious in its use, especially potions to drink. The reason is, there is also the herbal medicine has side effects to the body especially when taken by women who also use contraceptive drugs. Because of that, look what the information content of these herbal potions, and if necessary, consult your doctor.
Herbs are safe to use is green tea. Several studies in Japan showed that drinking green tea can increase certain substances called sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), which inhibits the activity of hormonal triggers hair loss. Also green tea is also useful as an antioxidant and has anti-cancer effects.
Hair Loss and Hair Cosmetic Products
So far, we already know that the use of hair cosmetics like shampoos, hair dyes, and hair dryers can cause damage to the hair. This was true, but the damage is not the same as hair loss due to genetic problems or other medical problems.
Damage caused mainly hair cosmetic hair shaft which is cracked, while the loss due to medical problems caused actual damage to the roots or the hair follicles. The results showed that the use of cosmetics, hair does not increase the risk of hair loss. This means that women with complaints of hair loss should not be afraid to have my hair color even. Balance is important that the intake of nutritious food for healthy hair. Good care for your hair.
Tricks Maintaining Hair Health
1. When you leave the house between the hours of 9 am to 4 pm, wear a hat or umbrella, even though the weather was overcast, because exposure to sunlight remained. If you have to move, choose a shady spot.
2. After swimming in the sea or in the pool, immediately wash your hair. Then after that use a conditioner for chlorine and salt can cause the hair becomes dry or cracked. Try to use leave in conditioner that contains UV absorbers.
3. Change your hair natural moisture is lost by using a hair mask after shampooing, before applying conditioner.
4. After shampooing, use rarely toothed comb to straighten wet hair, comb hair from the tip, slowly rising to the top.
5. Reduce the use of a hair dryer to dry the hair but not when did you have to hurry and had to wear a hair dryer, keep your distance is not too close to the hair.
6. If your hair long, wear with humidity conditioner regularly enough, because the nutritional and moisturizing conditioner can provide the maximum care to the ends of hair.
7. Cut your hair regularly, once every 3 months so that the ends of the hair remain healthy, not branching, cracked or dry.
8. During the summer, hair loss is usually more often. Therefore put on hair loss prevention products. Creambath do in the salon or at your home once a month.
Jumat, 13 November 2009
Bacterial Infection In Eyes
Orbitalis cellulitis is an acute infection in the eye bags.
Periorbitalis cellulitis does not cause proptosis (protrusion of the eyeball) and do not cause interference with the movement of the eyeball, but if not treated can develop into cellulitis orbitalis.
In children, cellulitis orbitalis usually derived from sinus infections caused by bacteria and Haemophilus influenzae.
Other organisms are Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae and beta hemolytic Streptococci.
Infants and children under the age of 6-7 years seems very susceptible to infection by Hemophilus influenzae.
Risk factors of infection by H. influenzae is a sinus infection and injury in the eyelid (due to insect bites or foreign body).
Symptoms include:
- Fever, usually up to 38.9? Celsius or more
- The lids of the upper and lower eye swollen and painful
- Eyelid look shiny and red or purple
- A baby or child seems ill
- If the eye is moved, there will be pain
- Vision decreased (due to swollen eyelids cover the eyes)
- Protruding eyes
- Feeling unwell
- Eye movement becomes limited.
Diagnosis based on symptoms and physical examination results.
- Check the usual: full blood examination
- Breeding and blood tests sensitivitias
- Pungsi lumbar (in very severe cases)
- X sinus and orbita
- CT scan or MRI sinus and orbita
- Breeding dirt eyes
- Breeding nasal mucus
- Breeding throat secretions.
Patients should be treated in hospital.
Given intravenous fluids and antibiotics.
If formed abscess (the accumulation of pus), performed surgery to remove pus.
This infection is very rapid growth because it must be monitored closely.
If treated immediately, there will be a perfect recovery.
- Complications include: cavernosal sinus thrombosis
- Hearing loss
- Septicemia (blood infection)
- Meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain)
- Damage to the optic nerve and visual impairment.
This disease can be prevented through immunization HiB vaccine to prevent Haemophilus infections in children.
Appropriate evaluation and early treatment of sinus infections and tooth can prevent the spread of infection to the eye.
Kamis, 12 November 2009
Keeping Eyes with Various Health Tips
Eyes need protection from the harmful effects of the environment. Thus the need to keep our eye health. The effect appears when the damage is too often exposed to the sun, wind, dust, and other factors. In health care there eye 8 important steps to ensure better protection for your eyes.
Among other tips on maintaining healthy vision as follows:
1. Always check your eyes regularly. This is good for preventing and treating eye problems that already exist. If you use a contact lens be sure to really clean.
2. Eat a balanced diet of fruits and fresh vegetables. Eat foods rich in nutrients vitamins A, E and C. Eat lots of carrots are rich in beta carotene and high-including fish omega 3. Try a cup of broccoli because it is also good for the eyes.
3. Caring for your health and immune system. Avoid too much smoking and drinking excess alcohol as this can make your eyes look tired. Smoking has an adverse effect on blood circulation around the eye area. If you have diabetes, regular check-ups because if ignored may affect the eyes. Try to also keep blood pressure and cholesterol at normal levels.
4. Protect eyes with sunglasses or at least 95% protection from UV. Choosing the type of glasses with a good frame to ensure full protection. Wearing a hat, a hat and using an umbrella for more shade to the eyes and protected from the heat. Use goggles when in heavy exercise and when working with tools and heavy machinery.
5. Be sure to always have clean hands before touching your eyes. Infection of the eye can start with unclean hands. Also, try to avoid too much rubbed his eyes. Use a clean handkerchief and cotton to clean the eye.
6. Remember when reading should have good lighting. In watching TV, using an anti-glare screen. Doing the same thing when using a computer. In using the computer may include a screen protector. Take a moment to relax from computer vision.
7. Perform simple eye exercises like blinking eyes to relieve stress. Blinking helps lubricate the eye. Try to close your eyes for about 5 minutes to relax and reduce eye strain. Have time to rest my eyes as much as possible would be very good. Saw something green is very good for the eyes.
8. After the break was enough, wash eyes with cold water to reduce eye strain. Use eye drops if necessary but must be in accordance with the instructions dokter.Yang most important thing to remember is that your eyes deserve special attention so that you can actually see the life and appreciate everything that is offered. Good eye health care tips is helpful.
Foods to Keep Your Eye Health
To have your eyes healthy, you should consume foods / vitamins that can strengthen your eyes. In Carrot include:
Vitamin A
Vitamin A can prevent cataracts and blindness.
Vitamin A is in carrots, milk, fish, eggs, and green vegetables.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C as an anti-oxidant is also useful to strengthen the eyes.
Vitamin C is in citrus fruits. Be careful taking high doses of vitamin C that is too acidic because it can disturb your stomach.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is found in peanut oil, corn oil, dark green vegetables, and nuts.
Citrus fruits, tomatoes, grapes, carrots, green vegetables (eg spinach), nuts are also very good for the eyes.
Lutein is also useful as anti-oxidants to reduce the degeneration of the eyes and reduce cataracts.
Lutein found in spinach, broccoli, and beans.
Among other tips on maintaining healthy vision as follows:
1. Always check your eyes regularly. This is good for preventing and treating eye problems that already exist. If you use a contact lens be sure to really clean.
2. Eat a balanced diet of fruits and fresh vegetables. Eat foods rich in nutrients vitamins A, E and C. Eat lots of carrots are rich in beta carotene and high-including fish omega 3. Try a cup of broccoli because it is also good for the eyes.
3. Caring for your health and immune system. Avoid too much smoking and drinking excess alcohol as this can make your eyes look tired. Smoking has an adverse effect on blood circulation around the eye area. If you have diabetes, regular check-ups because if ignored may affect the eyes. Try to also keep blood pressure and cholesterol at normal levels.
4. Protect eyes with sunglasses or at least 95% protection from UV. Choosing the type of glasses with a good frame to ensure full protection. Wearing a hat, a hat and using an umbrella for more shade to the eyes and protected from the heat. Use goggles when in heavy exercise and when working with tools and heavy machinery.
5. Be sure to always have clean hands before touching your eyes. Infection of the eye can start with unclean hands. Also, try to avoid too much rubbed his eyes. Use a clean handkerchief and cotton to clean the eye.
6. Remember when reading should have good lighting. In watching TV, using an anti-glare screen. Doing the same thing when using a computer. In using the computer may include a screen protector. Take a moment to relax from computer vision.
7. Perform simple eye exercises like blinking eyes to relieve stress. Blinking helps lubricate the eye. Try to close your eyes for about 5 minutes to relax and reduce eye strain. Have time to rest my eyes as much as possible would be very good. Saw something green is very good for the eyes.
8. After the break was enough, wash eyes with cold water to reduce eye strain. Use eye drops if necessary but must be in accordance with the instructions dokter.Yang most important thing to remember is that your eyes deserve special attention so that you can actually see the life and appreciate everything that is offered. Good eye health care tips is helpful.
Foods to Keep Your Eye Health
To have your eyes healthy, you should consume foods / vitamins that can strengthen your eyes. In Carrot include:
Vitamin A
Vitamin A can prevent cataracts and blindness.
Vitamin A is in carrots, milk, fish, eggs, and green vegetables.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C as an anti-oxidant is also useful to strengthen the eyes.
Vitamin C is in citrus fruits. Be careful taking high doses of vitamin C that is too acidic because it can disturb your stomach.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is found in peanut oil, corn oil, dark green vegetables, and nuts.
Citrus fruits, tomatoes, grapes, carrots, green vegetables (eg spinach), nuts are also very good for the eyes.
Lutein is also useful as anti-oxidants to reduce the degeneration of the eyes and reduce cataracts.
Lutein found in spinach, broccoli, and beans.
Selasa, 10 November 2009
Tuberkulosis (TBC)
Cause: TB Disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis . The disease can be transmitted through saliva when people spray cough.
Symptoms: cough with phlegm for more than three weeks. It can also be accompanied by bleeding cough. Patients will experience a fever, especially in the afternoon or evening, sweating at night. Decreased appetite, which causes the body to be thin.
Prevention and solution: If there are friends, neighbors or family members who experience these symptoms, you should suggest to consult a doctor to see if the cough is TB disease or not. Because sometimes a cough illness is often considered trivial, but this disease can kill someone if not immediately treated, and can be transmitted to others. Treatment: Treatment for TB when it is known from an early age is not so expensive and easy to cure because there has been government provided drugs. If necessary, patients with TB can also be quarantined in a special place so as not to transmit the disease.
This disease is also true is one that has conquered the disease, but later returned to attack. One of them is due to tuberculosis patients are not spending their medication. Drugs must be taken regularly for 6 to 9 months to cure this disease. Not spend the drug can cause people can not recover and lead a drug can no longer fight germs because germs become resistant.
Prevention and solution: If there are friends, neighbors or family members who experience these symptoms, you should suggest to consult a doctor to see if the cough is TB disease or not. Because sometimes a cough illness is often considered trivial, but this disease can kill someone if not immediately treated, and can be transmitted to others. Treatment: Treatment for TB when it is known from an early age is not so expensive and easy to cure because there has been government provided drugs. If necessary, patients with TB can also be quarantined in a special place so as not to transmit the disease.
This disease is also true is one that has conquered the disease, but later returned to attack. One of them is due to tuberculosis patients are not spending their medication. Drugs must be taken regularly for 6 to 9 months to cure this disease. Not spend the drug can cause people can not recover and lead a drug can no longer fight germs because germs become resistant.
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