"Would not want to, menopause is surely coming. Women do not panic, it should be fun, because it does not have to bother anymore menstruation and her husband do not have to serve again, "said Ali Baziad SpOG Prof.Dr.Med (K) in Hormone Therapy seminar Improve Menopause Symptoms and Improve Quality of Life. "But there is to know the woman is not menstruating again it was a cause many problems," he continued.
In order to commemorate the World Menopause Day 2009 which falls on October 18, Prof. Ali reminded the importance of estrogen hormone therapy for menopausal women who experience a quality of life for the better days of his parents later. But, unfortunately, awareness of the importance of hormone therapy is still lacking in Indonesia. Perhaps because knowledge and information is still minimal.
"They prefer to consume tranquilizers, vitamins or drugs to cope with sleep symptoms of menopause. He thinks it would disappear, but the only panacea for menopausal hormone estrogen yes itself, "explained Ali.
Early Menopause
Currently, the menopause has begun experienced by women in part-baya.pola akini unhealthy life believed to be the trigger. Gajala Menopause is the natural banyakb women and mothers of middle-aged. It's in their lives because of the pattern of unhealthy young.
Genetic factors could also be the cause, because when in childbirth, women are in the egg cell quota and the average female egg cell is 400,000 eggs until they reach the menopause
"The women today are a lot of smoking, drinking alcohol, taking drugs weight loss, and all types of medicines. Yet drugs and toxic substances that can kill the eggs, because eggs are very sensitive to chemicals. so they have a premature menopause "says Ali
Therefore, if you do not want to have a premature menopause, women should get a healthy lifestyle from an early age, especially during adolescence.
"Increase the consumption of food sources of phytoestrogens from soy, bengkoang, papaya. Multiply move, exercise in the sun since the age of 12 years, "explained Ali
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