Because not know, we often clean the ears of children at random. In fact, as described Prof. Dr. Noerbaiti from the ENT, RS Pondok Indah Jakarta, ears have parts that must be treated very carefully.
Outer ear consists of ear drum to the membrane. The middle ear consists of the drum membrane to limit the brain, and consists of the inner ear hearing devices and equipment balance. In this outer ear together the oil glands and sweat glands. Ears like the grime dirt that often appear in this area of oil actually produced these glands. Function block animals, like insects trying to enter into the ear.
Ear dirt will come out by itself thanks to encouragement mechanism when the child's cheek muscles to chew food. Estuary of the dirt that is earlobe, so we do not need to risk stirring up a child's ear to the middle and deep. "Just looking at the eye alone," said Noerbaiti.
One of the habits of what we often do is to scrape the inside of his ears with cotton buds or "metal" which ends concave like a spoon. According Noerbaiti, "Liang inner ear may only be cleaned with special instruments that can play and be done by experts. The use of cotton buds instead pushing the dirt further into the ear into the back."
Discharge, he continued, it was trapped in the form of hollow ear hole like the letter S. As a result, the dirt can not get out himself and the sediment in the ear canal will be hardened and petrified.
On the other hand, we also recognize the disease called congek ear. Symptoms, from the ear, precisely from the membrane is perforated eardrum, fluid out. "The hole could be caused by anything. Usually due to various complications from the nose and throat."
In between the ears, nose, and throat, explained Noerbaiti, there is a channel that connects all three. Channel that connects the nose to the ear serves to keep the air pressure in the middle ear to be equal to the outer ear. When children got the flu or a cold, the channel that connects the ear and nose may be blocked, causing a runny nose fluid pain. In addition, the blockage causes the air pressure difference in the middle ear and the outside.
Like a well, this pressure difference will form a vacuum that can "pump" fluid out through the ears snot. "This is called congek. At first that came out only clear liquids only, but for long thickened, pus, and smell." Furthermore, due to the pressure difference, can cause congek membrane jebolnya drum and cause the risk of infection 2, ie from the outside and inside.
That from within, for example occurs when a child suffering from flu / cold. Liquid snot from the nose into the channel associated with the ear, causing middle ear infections. "If allowed, would spread to the lining of the brain and can cause death." Therefore, watch out when the flu / colds come because it can cause further complications to the ear even to the brain. Flu / cold should only be treated myself for 3 days. More than that if not improve, immediately take the child to the doctor because of fear caused by a series of effects this disease can be very long.
If the ears take in a foreign object, no first aid that can be done at home. "Precisely the wrong treatment will bring consequences even worse. Do not try to remove the object had scraped-way match. Immediately bring to the ENT doctor." The following foreign objects into the usual ear:
* Water
When bathing or swimming, the water often came into the child's ear. During his ears clean, the water will automatically exit itself. But if there is dirt inside the ear, the water will make it expand so it can not get out. ENT doctor immediately to clean up the existing ear.
* Ants
When the ear to take in the ant, means there is something wrong with the inner ear. In principle, the ears have their own mechanisms that can inhibit an animal like an ant to not go into.
* Cotton buds
Cotton buds are not medically advisable to prying ears, though there are still uses it. In addition to cotton is left in the ear, the other danger is that it can pierce the lining of the drum when not in use it cautiously. There is a case, a mother's ear clean off her new 7-day-old with cotton buds. Instead of being clean, even the baby's ears bleed.
In adults, the length of this hole 3 cm, while the baby is only 1.5 cm. Therefore, be careful. If the cotton is left in the ear, immediately take your child to the ENT doctor and do not scrape themselves to the cotton issue.
* Small objects
Young children often do not accidentally put something in his ear. For example, a toy bead. If there is, immediately take it to the ENT doctor. Do not try it out myself, because it could cause new problems. In the practice, physicians have a special tool to remove the object.
How to Maintain Ear Health
This is the points which is important to note Noerbaiti in maintaining healthy ears.
1. Do not dredge up the ears. Both with cotton buds or other objects.
2. Familiarize the child to chew food properly because chewing is the body's natural mechanism to remove debris from the ear.
3. In infants, this mechanism has also been done, that is when the baby sucks the nipple or pacifier.
4. When the ear was reduced hearing, immediately to the ENT doctor to be cleaned.
5. The ears have their own mechanisms to prevent and remove foreign objects inside. If this does not happen, then there is something wrong with my ears. Immediately consult ENT doctor to find the cause.
6. Keep the cotton buds from the reach of children. They do not know the dangers. In addition to cotton is left in the ear, if not heart-hatimenggunakannya, could pierce and tear the lining of the drum.
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