Growth of benign (non-cancerous, benign) and malignant growth (cancer, malignant) can be derived from various networks in and around the mouth, including the bones, muscles and nerves.
Cancer originating from the mouth or the network layer is called surface carcinoma, a cancer that originated from a deeper jariangan called sarkoma.Meskipun rare, cancer is found in the mouth can come from other parts of the body, particularly lung, breast and prostat.Kanker with diameters of less than 1 cm can usually be treated easily.
But most cancers are not diagnosed until the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes jaw and neck.
Since the late discovery of this cancer, then 25% of oral cancers are fatal
Highest risk was found in drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco.
Approximately two-thirds of oral cancers occur in men.
Cigarette smoking are more likely to cause mouth cancer than smoking cigars or through pipes.
Stains smokers (the flat brown spots) can occur on the side where a cigarette or pipe is usually placed on the lips.
With a biopsy, can be known whether these spots are malignant or not.
Repeated irritation due to the sharp edge of broken teeth, fillings or dentures can be an additional risk for cancer of the mouth.
People who have suffered from mouth cancer have a higher risk for other cancers
Most oral cancers occur on the edge of the tongue, floor of the mouth and soft palate (the back of the roof of the mouth).
Cancer of the tongue and floor of the mouth is usually a squamous cell carcinoma.
Kaposi's sarcoma is a cancer of the blood vessels near the skin.
Kaposi's sarcoma is often found in the mouth (usually on the palate) people with AIDS.
In people who chew tobacco and inhalation of tobacco, the inside of the cheeks and lips are often found where cancer.
This cancer is carcinomas verukosa slow growth.
Melanoma is a cancer that usually occurs in the skin, and more rarely occurs in the mouth.
An area in the mouth that turn into brown or darker than normal may be a melanoma and should be sent to the doctor or dentist.
Melanoma should be distinguished from normal areas berpigmentasi found in the mouth, which often occurs in some families, and especially in the Mediterranean people and blacks.
In the early stages, tongue cancer did not cause pain and are usually found on routine dental examination.
Cancer usually grows at the edge of the tongue.
Almost never at the base of the tongue except the person who had suffered from untreated syphilis for several years.
Squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue often looks like an open wound (ulcer) and tend to grow into the tissue beneath.
Eritroplakia (red areas in the mouth) is a sign of cancer.
Someone with eritroplakia on the edge of his tongue should immediately went to the doctor or dentist.
Basic Mouth
In the early stages, the cancer floor of the mouth does not cause pain and are usually found on routine dental examination.
Floor of the mouth cancer is usually a squamous cell carcinoma, which looks like an open wound and tend to grow into the structure beneath.
Anyone who has a reddish spots (eritroplakia) at the bottom of his mouth, should immediately see a doctor or dentist because it could be an indication of the existence of cancer.
Soft palate
Cancer in the soft palate can be a squamous cell carcinoma or cancer that begins in the small salivary glands in the soft palate.
Squamous cell carcinoma often looks like an open wound.
Cancer that begins in the small salivary glands usually appear as small swellings.
Mouth coating
If the inner layer of moist mouth (mouth mucosa) become irritated for a long time, can form a flat white patches (leukoplakia).
Tersebit white spots because it is a thickening of the keratin layer, the material covering the outer layer of the skin and in normal circumstances there is in the amount not too much in the mouth mucosa.
Unlike the other white spots in mouth (because of a buildup of food, bacteria or fungi), leukoplakia can not be cleaned.
Most of leukoplakia is a response of protection against further injury.
But in the process of formation of this protective cover, some cells can become malignant.
Conversely, eritroplakia (reddish patches in the mouth) is the result of depletion of mucous membranes.
The area was flushed from the capillaries (small blood vessels) in the bottom more easily visible.
Eritroplakia more a sign of cancer worse than leukoplakia.
Someone with red spots on the mouth should immediately see a doctor or dentist.
Ulcer is a hole formed in the mucosa when the top layer of mucosal cells were destroyed and damaged, so the tissue underneath looks.
An ulcer was white because of the cells that die in the pit.
Frequent mouth ulcers due to injury or irritation of the network, for example, if accidental inside of his cheek bitten or scratched.
Other causes are thrush and irritant substances, such as aspirin which is inhaled in the gums.
Benign ulcer is always painful.
An ulcer that does not feel sick and stayed for more than 10 days may be pre-cancerous or cancerous and should be immediately examined by a doctor or dentist.
In someone who has a habit of chewing tobacco or sucking tobacco, white bumps can occur on the inner cheek.
This lump can develop into carcinoma verukosa.
One lump or protrusion on the gums is not something that makes us wary.
If the cause is not a periodontal abscess or dental abscesses, may be a non-cancerous growth that is caused by irritation.
Non-cancerous growth is relatively common and, if necessary, usually easily removed through pembdahan.
In 10-40% of patients, non-cancerous growth occurs repeatedly because the irritation continues.
If irritation is causing the false teeth that are less precise location, it must be repaired or replaced.
Lips (especially the lower lip), is the scene of the damage due to sunlight (keilosis aktinik), so that the lips look chapped and red, white or a mixture of red and white.
To determine whether these spots are malignant or not, can do a biopsy.
Cancer in the outer lip is more common in hot climates.
Cancer on the lips or other parts of the mouth often feels hard like a rock and stuck to the underlying tissues, whereas the non-cancerous lumps in this area can be driven.
Abnormalities in the upper lip is less common than the lower lip, but more likely to be malignant and require medical attention.
In tobacco chewers or exploiters, white lumps can grow inside the mouth.
This lump can grow into verukosa carcinoma.
Saliva Glands
Salivary gland tumors may be benign and malignant.
Tumors can occur in one of the three pairs of major salivary glands:
- Parotid gland (at the edge of the face, in front of the ear)
- Submandibuler glands (under the edge of the jaw)
- Sublingual gland (at the bottom of the mouth, in front of the tongue).
Tumors can also occur in minor salivary glands spread over most of the mouth mucosa.
Growth in the early stages may not be painful.
Malignant tumors tend to grow fast and hard palpable.
Various types of non-cancerous cysts cause pain and swelling of the jaw.
These cysts often grow on the side of teeth undergoing wisdom tooth impaksi (stuck in the jaw that can not grow out) and although not malignant, cysts can destroy some jaw bone area.
Certain cyst types tend to be recurrent.
Odontoma a non-cancerous growth of cells forming the teeth that looked like a small tooth with a changed form.
Odontoma can take the place of the normal teething or hinder the normal dentition, so often removed surgically.
Jaw cancer often causes pain and numbness.
X-rays are not always able to distinguish cancer from cysts, bone growth of non-cancer or cancer that has spread from elsewhere in the body.
X-rays usually show an irregular periphery of jaw cancer and may indicate that the cancer has undermined the roots of nearby teeth.
Biopsy performed to confirm the diagnosis of cancer jaw
Avoiding sunlight reduces the risk of lip cancer.
Avoiding alcohol and tobacco excess, can prevent almost all oral cancers.
Another prevention is to refine the edge of a broken tooth or a patch.
Anti-oxidant vitamins (vitamins C and E, beta-carotene) providing additional protection.
If the damage due to sunlight on a wide lip area, lip shaving can be done, where the outer layer all over the lip removed, either surgically or with lasers, to prevent the development of cancer.
Successful treatment of cancer of the mouth and lips is very dependent on how far the cancer has developed.
Oral cancers rarely spread to distant areas of the body but tends to infiltrate into the head and neck.
If all the cancer and normal tissue around the cancer removed before the cancer spread to the lymph nodes, the high recovery rate.
If the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, rare healing.
At surgery, in addition to lifting the cancer in the mouth, also raised the lymph nodes under and behind the jaw and along the neck.
Patients with cancer of the mouth or throat can undergo radiation therapy and surgery or radiation only just.
Radiation therapy often damage the salivary glands and cause a dry mouth sufferers, which can lead to kavitasi (dental caries) and other dental problems.
Jaw bone exposed to radiation which would not heal properly, because it treated dental problems prior to radiation therapy
Teeth that allegedly would cause problems, it should be revoked.
Teeth and mouth hygiene is very important for patients who have undergone radiation therapy for cancer of the mouth.
Profits resulting from chemotherapy is very limited.
The main therapy is surgical and radiation
Senin, 23 November 2009
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